Someone recommended rusted nails and other bits of iron in the tank as iron supplements for plants. I tried it underneath my Sag and the ones with the nails seem to be growing faster than the others.
First off is this safe? So far it has had no effect on the fish and water conditions.
secondly, am I just imagining the improvements? The plants are in the same tank receiving the same lighting, but the ones touching the iron seems do be doing better.
I researched the topic online before adding the iron and half said don't do it, the other half swore by it. I went with those who swore by it because they were talking from experience instead of just saying that heavy metals are bad for fish. My question though is benefits.
There was some confusion as to whether the plants can absorb that form of iron or must it be chelated. I think the consensus was that the chelated form was for leaf absorption while the iron from the nails can be absorbed as long as the oxygen content was low.
I would assume that very little Oxygen would be found at the bottom of the substrate.
Has anyone tried it? How much is too much? right now its just a few small rusty pieces.
First off is this safe? So far it has had no effect on the fish and water conditions.
secondly, am I just imagining the improvements? The plants are in the same tank receiving the same lighting, but the ones touching the iron seems do be doing better.
I researched the topic online before adding the iron and half said don't do it, the other half swore by it. I went with those who swore by it because they were talking from experience instead of just saying that heavy metals are bad for fish. My question though is benefits.
There was some confusion as to whether the plants can absorb that form of iron or must it be chelated. I think the consensus was that the chelated form was for leaf absorption while the iron from the nails can be absorbed as long as the oxygen content was low.
I would assume that very little Oxygen would be found at the bottom of the substrate.
Has anyone tried it? How much is too much? right now its just a few small rusty pieces.