Hi, a friend of mine took me to City Pets to show me the ADA small plant tank at the cashier counter. He loves it so much, and as a good friend, I don't want him to give up this hobby. I could not do anything more helpful than promising to help him build the tank. I spoke to the lady owner and here is what we have to buy for that tank
ADA 17 gal tank         $80
ADA plant substrate      $28
Coralife               not sure (but no more than $100)
Driftwood              $10-15
Plant and carpet         $50
Shrimp and neon         $30-50
CO2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $200 ( budget does not allowed till 3-4 months later)
Eheim                 $100 ( I am not sure which serial, but it looks pretty small)
First question: The one she used is Coralife Metal Halide ($220) that resembles a study lamp. I remembered one time when I read, someone had said that they could use the study lamp bought from Office Deport for like $10. Can someone confirm how is it possible?
Other than that, I don't know what else to ask. Please feel free to fix me, if necessary.
ADA 17 gal tank         $80
ADA plant substrate      $28
Coralife               not sure (but no more than $100)
Driftwood              $10-15
Plant and carpet         $50
Shrimp and neon         $30-50
CO2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â $200 ( budget does not allowed till 3-4 months later)
Eheim                 $100 ( I am not sure which serial, but it looks pretty small)
First question: The one she used is Coralife Metal Halide ($220) that resembles a study lamp. I remembered one time when I read, someone had said that they could use the study lamp bought from Office Deport for like $10. Can someone confirm how is it possible?
Other than that, I don't know what else to ask. Please feel free to fix me, if necessary.