So I set this up a couple of months ago. I had some guppies that I needed to move to another tank, but knew my wife would kill me if I put another tank in the house. So knowing that she is not an outdoor person, so this would not affect her. At first I was worried about the heat,but decided to do it anyway. I have a colony of around 30-40 guppies of which only 3 are adult. The rest are all different sizes of fry and juvies. They have adapted really well to their home and am surprised at how well they are doing even through how hot it has been lately. The plants get morning sun but shaded by the overhang on the house for the hot parts of the day. I change out 20% of the water weekly but have never tested any params. I feed the guppies every other day and the plants get lily tabs every 2 weeks. Just wanted to share.
