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6G Edge w/ 27W CFL

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  • 6G Edge w/ 27W CFL

    I have a 6 gallon Fluval Edge hacked with a 27-watt CFL sunlight bulb cranking out around 1300lm. I'm guessing about 80% of that is directed toward the water. I'm an aquarium noob, and I'm not really sure where to start. I don't want to mess with CO2.

    It's currently stocked (see sig), and my plan is to remove the livestock, get rid of the existing substrate & plastic decor, put in new substrate & ferts as needed, plants, water, and return the livestock. I can pick up a cheap 2nd tank to assist with this process if it's going to take too long.

    I would love some suggestions. I am a big fan of the ADA layouts, but for this tank I want to keep it simple and low-maintenance and free of CO2 supplementation.

    What substrates should I be looking at?
    I went off the deep end

  • #2
    I ordered a bag of Eco-Complete and some Seachem ferts from Dr. Fosters & Smith. I tried to buy Eco-Complete locally today, went to 3 LFS, 3rd one had it but it was $38/bag!!! That's some expensive gravel.
    I went off the deep end


    • #3
      I just ordered a bag of eco-complete off ebay for 20 shipped to the door. A day later it dropped to 18.99 I should have waited. The eco will be good for your tank I have gravel and sand mixed and its not working so well with my plants. If you want to add plants in the future you will need some extra lighting. I found a led strip 10k light on ebay that helps with my plants


      • #4
        They have it at my local petsmart for 18.00, but it really depends on your preferences for livestock and water chemistry. Eco-Complete does buffer up a bit, especially in conjunction with our hard local tap water. My guess is you'll be running about a 7.8-8.0 Ph and fairly high TDS.
        2 Pseudomugil gertrudae - Will do terrifically, we have a pair in a 10 gallon with the same substrate and they are perfectly happy (very good choice)
        5 Boraras Merah - This one is tough, they prefer very low Ph and almost no TDS. They can survive, but will often not show brilliant coloring. I think this one might just be the odd one out of the rest of your stock. Hit me up if you are wanting to set up another tank and I can help with some Low PH ideas that have worked for my Bororas.
        5 Danio margaritatus - Terrific fish and another high Ph fish. Should do quite well
        2 Amano shrimp - I have 6-8 in my 10 gallon and they are terrific
        1 Sulawesi blueberry shrimp - Should be fine, they are an easier Sulawesi species that could adapt perfectly. See how your solitary one does and either add more or simply add a neo species. They will not interbreed.
        3 zebra nerite snails - Do well in nearly any tank minus a low Ph system.

        As to plants...
        Crypts in the rear, will fill in over time.
        Possibly a Hygro as a centerpiece, will need to be trimmed but does well.
        Anubias will work anywhere in that set up.
        Most of the mosses will do well, Start with Java, Christmas, or Flame.
        Marimo ball, great nitrate sink
        Pygmy chain sword would work as a carpet, though I might go with a moss at first.
        Avoid 'hard' plants that only do well with CO2 (Blyxa, HC) they will do poorly and just frustrate you.
        Add a bunch of whatever you can get and see what lives and thrives. Work with it and make the scape your own as it grows in. Once you have a better feel for how they act you will be able to try and tackle some of the tougher varieties.
        In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
        Desiderius Erasmus
        GHAC President


        • #5
          I replaced my substrate with the eco complete a few weeks ago and the inhabitants seem fine. I haven't checked the tank pH since the change. It was running 7.6 to 7.8 before.

          The B. Merah & CPDs are pretty brightly colored. I've been feeding them NLS small fish formula and occasional freeze dried brine shrimp and crushed freeze dried bloodworms.

          This Sunday I planted a couple of amazon sword compactas. I would like to find some snail-free java moss and marimo balls.
          I went off the deep end


          • #6
            As an addendum ... Is there anything recommended to buffer down the water (slowly, gradually) without phosphates? I'm not inclined to mess with it, but the blueberry shrimp has been almost orange for the last few weeks... Stress?

            I have seachem neutral buffer used after restoring purigen, but I'm under the impression it would be bad to use that in a planted tank.
            I went off the deep end


            • #7
              About the only effective and safe manner to reduce the Ph is to begin mixing distilled water into your water for water changes. This will lower the TDS and slowly allow the water to acidify gradually. With the other livestock I would be wary of reducing it too much though.
              In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
              Desiderius Erasmus
              GHAC President


              • #8
                you can buffer down with indian almond leaves or alder cones naturally or mix in lower pH water. I am happy with the water mill water at least until i get arouind to hooking up a RO filter.
                75G Standard - High Light Planted Community Fish
                28G Aquapod - Medium Light Planted Shrimp & Microrasboras
                12G Eclipse - Bonsai Planted Betta & Shrimp
                29G Standard - Vivarium w/ Red Devil Crabs
                45G Exo-Terra - Terrarium w/ Hermit Crabs (in progress)
                33G Cubish - Vivarium w/ D.auratus 'blue & bronze'

                GHAC Member


                • #9
                  I'm kind of afraid to try it. I'll have my RO/DI system back up and running by the holidays, I think.
                  I went off the deep end


                  • #10
                    mnemenoi, you were right. pH is in the 8 - 8.2 range now. The API pH test kit I have is difficult to read.

                    I'm not happy about this. Everything I read before buying eco complete suggested it would not affect pH, aside from a few folks who got a bad batch.
                    I went off the deep end


                    • #11
                      The swords are doing great. I see new growth every day. I've dosed excel just a couple of times.
                      I went off the deep end

