I've got a 20 gallon long with 2 guppys, 5 neon tetras and some ghost shrimp. This tank has been set up for 4 months now. There are 2 amazon swords, 2 Aponogeton (Grew from bulb), 2 onion(grew from bulb) and 1 anubius plant. I put some root tabs under the plants when I switched from gravel to sand 2 weeks ago and still add small amounts of liquid plant food.
The swords and aponogeton seem to be struggling a little bit because the tops of the swords on some leaves went yellow/brown. The aponogeton turned a bit brown and just don't look healthy.
My current lighting is an aqueon 8000K full spectrum daytime 17W t8 24" bulb. I have it on a timer for 10 hours a day.
Any suggestions as to why some plants are struggling? Could it be that I moved them from gravel to sand 2 weeks ago? Not enough lighting?
I've read some places where it's recommended to have 2x watts the amount of gallons in the tank. That seems high for a 20 gallon. I love the look of live plants but hate it when they look unhealthy like this! I've also had a bloom of brown diatoms covering the plants as well.. My water params are in check and good.
Thank you for any help!
The swords and aponogeton seem to be struggling a little bit because the tops of the swords on some leaves went yellow/brown. The aponogeton turned a bit brown and just don't look healthy.
My current lighting is an aqueon 8000K full spectrum daytime 17W t8 24" bulb. I have it on a timer for 10 hours a day.
Any suggestions as to why some plants are struggling? Could it be that I moved them from gravel to sand 2 weeks ago? Not enough lighting?
I've read some places where it's recommended to have 2x watts the amount of gallons in the tank. That seems high for a 20 gallon. I love the look of live plants but hate it when they look unhealthy like this! I've also had a bloom of brown diatoms covering the plants as well.. My water params are in check and good.
Thank you for any help!