This is my first planted tank, it had only 2 plants at first and grew out of control over the summer. It's a 5 gallon panorama nano and this is one month after I had clean up all the crap and planted in more plants. I only know 3 out of the 7 plants that are in here, the tall back plants and the plants behind the blyxia is plants I have trouble remembering to. I'm really bad at remembering plant names.
Inhabitants are CRS, CBS, 5 male yellow shrimps, 2 albino pleco fries, and a bunch of baby blue mystery snails. Gotta love all those algae eaters and younglings.

This next tank is 10 gallon nano and about a week old.
Inhabitants are CRS, CBS, 5 male yellow shrimps, 2 albino pleco fries, and a bunch of baby blue mystery snails. Gotta love all those algae eaters and younglings.

This next tank is 10 gallon nano and about a week old.
