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Moss on my plant (good or bad)

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  • Moss on my plant (good or bad)

    I have a tall plant that is right in the way of my return pump and it has water current constantly going through the top half of the plant. I have started to notice that a green moss has developed on it as starting to grow. Is this good moss or bad? Plus this plant does catch some poop string from my BN pleco .

  • #2
    Probably an algae. It's good in the sense that it is acting as a water filter for your tank. It can be bad in the sense that you might not be pleased by its appearnace. If it doesn't bother you, then it's fine. What's happening is that the water current is hitting this plant, adn slowing down at that point. So, the nutrients in the water (and the poop in the vacinity) is more concentrated at that spot. So, excess nutrients is present and the plant itself is not using it all and algae is taking advantage of the "free meal" so to speak.
    Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
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    • #3
      some algae can be more invasive than others so i pic always helps to ID something like this.
      75G Standard - High Light Planted Community Fish
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