I just got a Fluval Chi nano tank and I wanted to make it into a planted nano tank. As of right now, I have no clue what to stock it with. I have substrate and some LED lighting that it came with, but no filter. It's not going to be at my house, so I'd like to keep it low cost and low maintenance. I have a Marineland Penguin 170 and couple of air pumps, but I want to steer clear of any HOB filters that will take away from the sleek look of the rimless tank. No clue as to what temperature the LEDs are. If possible, I'd like to run the tank without a heater since the small heaters sold in the stores can get quite expensive unless I could find one for cheap. I'd like to keep away from bettas, guppies, and mollies. A blue theme would be great! I can't remember the names of a lot of the nano fish. I am also going to stock some shrimp, but not sure what yet.
Any ideas on livestock, plants, and filter? Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated as this will be my first nano and planted tank.
Any ideas on livestock, plants, and filter? Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated as this will be my first nano and planted tank.