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5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated 06.26.13)

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  • I'm curious too what kinda plant is that @_@?
    Well, this is my tank, set up at the end of august:
    photo (15).jpgphoto (11).jpgphoto (14).jpg

    Those floating plants are Red root floaters and Asian water moss, I just got them last week, some of the roots really do turn red and pinkish.
    The background is mostly water wisteria, along with some stem of ludwigia, but the type of Ludwig I got is pretty weird as it's not growing fast at all, which it's supposed to. The java/xmas moss are taking over the tank nicely.
    I have the patience of a goldfish....


    • I've seen the red root floaters and I gotta say that I'm not a big fan of them. It gives some nice color contrast to the tank, but something about it just doesn't sit well with me. I like the tank setup though! Thanks for sharing!

      I spent a good couple days just looking at aquascapes from past aquascaping competitions, and a lot of the ADG and ADA stuff is really helping me with ideas. Also looking at tanks on TPT and some on here are influencing how I want the tank to look.


      • as far as something to build a wall in the back, rotala indica is great for this. i have lots, i posted new pics of plants/driftwood in my "for sale" thread. and the other plant i'm getting is this- pellia
        my fish house:
        2.5g- ramshorn hatchery
        6g eclipse- yellow shrimp, chili rasboras, yellow apple snails
        29g- geo grow-out, angels, 12"fire eel, dwarf frog, apple snails
        45g- jade sleeper gobies, native killifish, feeder endlers

        2 oscars, parrot, silver dollars, albino channel cat, syno euptera, bichir, baby jaguar, convicts, yabby
        125g- fahaka puffer, rainbow shark
        and about a dozen bettas....


        • Originally posted by allysangels View Post
          as far as something to build a wall in the back, rotala indica is great for this. i have lots, i posted new pics of plants/driftwood in my "for sale" thread. and the other plant i'm getting is this- pellia
          Yup. Had that on my list to go through. I still have a ton of other options to look at so I want to sort everything out first. The pellia looks pretty cool! It would look a bit odd in my foreground that I have planned.


          • Pelia is great, I actually wanted some of them instead of hairgrass but could not find any.
            I have the patience of a goldfish....


            • I'm really leaning to use hydrocotyle tripartita 'Japan' and h. zosterifolia for my foreground plants after seeing them in a new member's tank.


              • I just bought a bunch of stems of marsilea crenata of bobs tropical to try as a new foreground plant since I am not doing co2 plant looks nice as a carpet


                • Originally posted by Mike&stef View Post
                  I just bought a bunch of stems of marsilea crenata of bobs tropical to try as a new foreground plant since I am not doing co2 plant looks nice as a carpet
                  I came across those plants too! It's on my list that I need to sort out.

                  I have a question about leafy plants. How do you go about trimming them or do you not trim them? Also curious as to how I could keep a carpeting plant low to the ground?


                  • Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                    I came across those plants too! It's on my list that I need to sort out.

                    I have a question about leafy plants. How do you go about trimming them or do you not trim them? Also curious as to how I could keep a carpeting plant low to the ground?
                    depends on which plants, most carpeting plants require high light to stay low, under lower light they tend to grow taller in order to reach the light. carpet plants under low light will spread fairly slower, but yeah you do trim them to keep them low either way.
                    I have the patience of a goldfish....


                    • Was curious about trimming any leafy plants. I have a bunch of leafy plants but a lot of them are really large and take up too much space in my nano. I want to trim them, but I have no clue on how to do so.

                      Do I cut off the leaf and just leave the stem? Do I just trim some of the leaf to make it smaller? Do I cut off the roots and wait until it grows back? Or can I do nothing about trimming leafy plants but let it grow? Any help is very much appreciated.


                      • also depends on the type. with swords, old growth will be to the outside with new leaves developing in the center. you want to trim those old leaves at the base of the stem. stem plants just snip or break right above a joint and re-plant the top. crypts i snip leaves at the base of the stem. if a leaf is injured or dying, the plant will waste energy trying to fix it instead of growing new tissue. trim away!
                        my fish house:
                        2.5g- ramshorn hatchery
                        6g eclipse- yellow shrimp, chili rasboras, yellow apple snails
                        29g- geo grow-out, angels, 12"fire eel, dwarf frog, apple snails
                        45g- jade sleeper gobies, native killifish, feeder endlers

                        2 oscars, parrot, silver dollars, albino channel cat, syno euptera, bichir, baby jaguar, convicts, yabby
                        125g- fahaka puffer, rainbow shark
                        and about a dozen bettas....


                        • yeah plants like wisteria and rotala are extremely persevere, just shred them however you like, they'll grow back eventually.
                          I have the patience of a goldfish....


                          • I already broke up the wisteria when I got home earlier this afternoon. I have some anubias and sword plants that I wanted to trim.

                            So you gotta snip off the whole stem and leaf for swords and crypts? Still a bit confused. Thanks for bearing with me, I'm still new to the whole plant thing.


                            • plants like anubias, sword and crypts, you have to cut the whole stem and leaf near the base/rhizomes
                              I have the patience of a goldfish....


                              • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano


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