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5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated 06.26.13)

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  • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated with pics 10.17.12)

    Thanks guys. Still not where I want it but it'll be a while. Gonna move the java fern and hopefully it'll do better

    Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


    • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated with pics 10.17.12)

      Not the riccia. It's that really long bushy stem plant. The little ones I got from you are on the driftwood right now. I'll give them time. The narrow leaf one seems to be doing great though.

      Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


      • I've noticed some awkward behavior with my 3 cory cats. Two of them stay together and one is singled out. All three seem pretty happy though. Anyone know why one is singled out? I took a short video of the current layout and you can somewhat see the cory that's singled out.

        Last edited by mistahoo; 10-20-2012, 11:06 PM.


        • Since I've added two Cory Hasbrosus and two O-cats, that third Masked Cory seems to school with the rest of them. I've had a slight algae break out on the glass walls, but it's pretty much contained with two nerites and two O-cats.


          • Not much change other than a huge mess of Java Moss added to the tank and a few guppies to occupy the upper water column. Snails are very active now. I can only find two assassins and I could've sworn I had at least 6. The nerites are naughty! They like to swim onto the spray bar and partially cover up a hole so the stream is guided out of the tank and water sprays everywhere. The corys are loving the tank. I'm probably gonna get more micro corys and ditch the metae. Also planning on changing out substrate to get a more natural look.


            • Corner of the tank chipped and water's been leaking for a long time. Never noticed it and thought it was evaporation. Removed entire livestock and plants then patched up the chip with silicone. Gonna let it cure and then add new substrate and let it cycle again. Then acclimate the livestock to the new setup.


              • I gave up the stunner strip idea. I was looking for lights and I came across the 10" Finnex FugeRay. Anyone used this light before? It's an LED light so how would I gauge low/med/high lighting based on wattage?

                According to their website, there are 32 High Output 7000k LEDs and 4 High Output Actinic LEDs. The LEDs are 4watts.

                Here's the PAR chart for the light. Dimensions of the tank is 10"x10"x12" (25.4 L x 25.4 W x 31.25 H)


                • You cant use watt rule for led. Look at the par rating and the depth of your tank. 0-50 is low, 50-100 is med, 100+ is high
                  I have the patience of a goldfish....


                  • I use 2 fixtures of finnex ray 2 on my tank since the light distribution of led fixture is quite narrow. Finnex is good though and cheap comparing to other brand.
                    I have the patience of a goldfish....


                    • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated with pics 10.17.12)

                      I was mainly looking at the fugeray because it'll fit perfectly on top as the tank is 10" long

                      Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


                      • from the look of the fuge ray par rating and your tank depth, we're looking at low light for sure.
                        I have the patience of a goldfish....


                        • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated with pics 10.17.12)

                          Hmm.. any lighting suggestions for med/high light and would fit perfectly on the tank? I recently got some plants that would look nice as a carpet

                          Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


                          • Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                            Hmm.. any lighting suggestions for med/high light and would fit perfectly on the tank? I recently got some plants that would look nice as a carpet

                            Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.
                            honestly for something with small foot print like a fluval chi, you can use a ecopico LED arm light then add 2 more strip to it. or use at least 2 fugeray from finnex. LED market is relatively new so finding stuff for your particular aquarium can be difficult and maybe costly. You can try to use plants that require lower lighting. Like how I have a carpet of Javamoss/phoenix moss/christmas moss mixture. Which grew out much quicker than I expected. I thought it would take a year + to get a carpet. it only takes 2 months.
                            I have the patience of a goldfish....


                            • For lighting suggestions, I'm not limited to LEDs although I do love the shimmer effect. I may just get two fugerays. Forgot to mention, most of the plants I have are low light plants and were doing fair with the ecoxotic stunner strip. The color of the plants weren't popping as much as now because I have this huge light on it, but the light fixture is way too long and bulky, plus it sits on the tank.

                              The plant I wanted to carpet was hydrocotyle japan. They'll grow in low light, but they'll get tall with the low light.
                              Last edited by mistahoo; 11-12-2012, 04:47 PM.


                              • Get a nice deck lamp/clip on lamp and use a 6500K Compact spiral bulb. You could even use one of those drafting arm lights instead. I'll see if I can come up with some and post a few links...
                                In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                                Desiderius Erasmus
                                GHAC President

