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5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated 06.26.13)

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  • Last edited by mistahoo; 12-01-2012, 01:35 PM.


    • Last edited by mistahoo; 12-01-2012, 01:35 PM.


      • Front FTS

        Left FTS

        Back FTS

        Right FTS


        • Plants I got from Jozle.


          • Anyone know what this thing is? It's a straggler that came with some green neons from HAW

            Also these tetras. No clue what they are. Deemed "rare" and aggressive from the previous owner.


            • Spotted one of the Blue Velvets and she's berried! I thought she was dead and stuck onto the filter so I moved it and lost sight of her. I'll try to snap a pic when I find her


              • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated with pics 12.01.12)

                The last tetra is a red minor.
                Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


                • Thought so too. Was told it was a rosy barb by someone else


                  • Huzzah! Moar pics of the Blue Velvets. I caught some decent pics of the berried monster too! She's ginormous! At least 2x the size of all the other ones.


                    • Berried Female


                      • Nothing special done to the tank. Excel dose daily (10drops) and Flourish dose every other day (20-30 drops). Microworm feeding (small swab, aprox. couple hundred worms) for the whole tank every 5 days. Pinch of NLS .5mm once a week or once every two weeks. Biweekly 20% water changes and occasional top off when tank gets a little low. Using 3 day aged water with tap water and dechlorinator (6:4 aged to tap ratio).
                        Last edited by mistahoo; 12-16-2012, 06:34 PM.


                        • My biggest Amano is berried! Too bad I don't have another setup to attempt to hatch the eggs. Feeding frenzy for the fish! Also found another Blue Velvet female berried up. She's not as big as the first one, but at least I know that they're getting it on and doing the nasty! The first berried Blue Velvet still hasn't released the babies, but I see eyes! She'll release soon!


                          • very nice tank i like it alot ,
                            Check out my aquarium journals
                            - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
                            -10gallon fry tank


                            • very nice tank i really like it , nice read up
                              Check out my aquarium journals
                              - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
                              -10gallon fry tank


                              • The tank has really taken off with growth. I haven't taken any updated pics, but the lotus is really growing! I think I might have to move it to my bigger tank if it keeps at it.

