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5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated 06.26.13)

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  • yer all the plants have definetly taken off , there awsome really look forward to seeing more
    Check out my aquarium journals
    - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
    -10gallon fry tank


    • That Lotus looks pimptastic once it gets going and I was actually a bit surprised at how easy it has been to work with. I suppose I just assumed it was a CO2 only type plant...
      In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
      Desiderius Erasmus
      GHAC President


      • Originally posted by mnemenoi View Post
        That Lotus looks pimptastic once it gets going and I was actually a bit surprised at how easy it has been to work with. I suppose I just assumed it was a CO2 only type plant...
        I didn't think it would make it when I started dosing Excel. It went transparent and I accidentally broke off one stem. Stuck it back in the soil and ever since it's been growing, not as fast as the stems and floaters though.


        • Looking forward to some new pics, would love to see how the tank is coming along.... anything new on the Blue velvet front? Just interested in hearing how well they breed and if they are comparable to RCS and other neocaridina
          In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
          Desiderius Erasmus
          GHAC President


          • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated with pics 12.16.12)

            can i add red cherry shrimp to a guppy fry tank or would i need the shrimp substarte?
            im interested in these shrimps

            Check out my aquarium journals
            - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
            -10gallon fry tank


            • Cherry Shrimp do well with Males and fry, females can eat the smaller shrimplets. They appreciate harder water that guppies prefer. No special substrate needed and they breed like cockroaches. We even had them living/breeding in our Fahaka Puffer canister filter... Some shrimp do require special care, just check over my shrimp article in the Invertebrate section for a more detailed read
              In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
              Desiderius Erasmus
              GHAC President


              • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated with pics 12.16.12)

                ok thanks

                il add cherry shrimp onde my tanks settled. then?

                theres alot of shrimp products on the market. minerals etc do i need to srd this?

                Check out my aquarium journals
                - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
                -10gallon fry tank


                • Cherry shrimp are very simple, just let your tank age a bit and you should be fine.
                  In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                  Desiderius Erasmus
                  GHAC President


                  • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated with pics 12.16.12)

                    Originally posted by mnemenoi View Post
                    Looking forward to some new pics, would love to see how the tank is coming along.... anything new on the Blue velvet front? Just interested in hearing how well they breed and if they are comparable to RCS and other neocaridina
                    The blue velvets are just like the rcs. It's taking a bit longer because I got 2 sub-adults and the rest were peewee/juvies. Funny that those 2 turned out to be females. One is still berried. The other released two weeks ago. One of the Amanos was berried but I didn't want to try to hatch them yet so I think they became snacks.

                    They're loving the acidic water. pH is at 6.4. The go crazy for the catfish pellets and the Amanos like to bully them for it and swim off with the pellets. It's hilarious. It's so cool to see the little ones swarm the pellets.

                    Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


                    • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated with pics 12.16.12)

                      have this in ny 6ft . Cat fish wont est them wi they

                      Check out my aquarium journals
                      - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
                      -10gallon fry tank


                      • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated with pics 12.16.12)

                        Catfish will love to eat the shrimp!

                        Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


                        • I cant seem to find me fish for some reason lol. Only see the shrimp and a few fish. Fish-eating shrimp?
                          Last edited by mistahoo; 02-09-2013, 12:33 AM.


                          • Re: 5g Fluval Chi Nano (Updated with pics 12.16.12)

                            Amano shrimp can eat nano fish.
                            Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                            Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                            Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                            Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


                            • Decided to snap some pics since I had the time. Seems like both of the females released since the last time I saw them.


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