My 100gal tank is suffering with hair algae. It is not fully covered with, but I think if i don't take action now, the whole tank will be ruined. Hair algae is all over my vals, and cryps, and on java fern's leaves also. This tank is running 1 65W and 2x78W which make it 2.21wpg. Light is on 10hr per day, from 1PM to 11PM. I use no CO2 and no fert whatsoever. WC 30%, and gravel vaccumn weekly. Air pump turns off whenever the lights are on to supplement enough O2 for the 2 discuses. Also, I clean green dot off the wall everyweek, but they keep coming back 2 days later. Please help me to figure out the problem and solve the condition.
I forget to add that I have 7 nerite nails, and a 6'' pleco.
I forget to add that I have 7 nerite nails, and a 6'' pleco.