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Ludwigia gladulosa x palustris

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  • Ludwigia gladulosa x palustris

    ((Was not sure where the best place for this was...mods feel free to move it around))

    Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society is proud to introduce Ludwigia glandulosa x palustris ! It is a natural hybrid that is not altogether uncommon, and the specimen that was collected (which yielded ALL the submersed samples we now have) was found in Chambers County, TX where one would expect to find this hybrid. We are 99.8% sure on the ID and have sent off a specimen for confirmation, and the ID has been pre-confirmed.

    This plant is quite large by any standard for a stem plant. From tip to tip of leaves it will get 2-3" inches across. It has a curious growth habit, which could be good or bad depending on how people want to scape and how large their tank is. It grows horizontal/diagonal, depending on intensity. In my tank, it grew to about 6” high (crowded by other plants) and then took off horizontally. In Kevin’s it grew horizontal. At the nodes it shoots out groups of new shoots.

    The leaves are long and lanceolate and bright lime-green with pink/bronze highlights at the tops and can get a bit darker depending on lighting and fertility...but still a general bright green overall. It’s still too soon to know what it will do in a scape since we have just been trying to propagate it, but I have just now re-scaped my office tank with it and will know soon what exactly it will really do, how it will look with other plants to compliment it, etc… Probably in a couple weeks or a month we’ll have some really good information and photos on this species.
    Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
    Also follow us on Facebook and APC

  • #2
    The first of the stems popping up behind dense vegetation. This one later turned drastically horizontal in moderate-high light:

    The same stem is the right-most one shooting off to the side...and you see more stems coming up:

    Bushing out at the nodes:

    Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
    Also follow us on Facebook and APC


    • #3
      Here are pics of what it looks like in nature...notice it is not erect as L. glandulosa should be...the stems drag along the ground, nearly decumbent, but not rooting at the nodes as L. palustris would. Other than that, the structure and identifying characteristics key out to L. glandulosa for the most part.:

      Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
      Also follow us on Facebook and APC


      • #4
        At any rate, in a few weeks I should have some good photos of how it actually looks in a scape as a specific planting with other plants, etc...
        Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
        Also follow us on Facebook and APC


        • #5
          Wow, very cool! Keep us updated
          A wife, two kids and two cats.


          • #6
            that is a interesting specimen! Look forward to your updates.


            • #7
              Here are some update pics. In this first one I try to capture the growth pattern of the stem itself...coming nearly straight up to a point, jolting out sideways, with the tip always facing upward.

              In this next photo, I want to show the difference between planting tops, and keeping the cut bottoms. The far left corner with the smaller/younget plants "C" are the bottoms that were cut VERY HARD. I thought these would die honestly...but they are popping up nicely. The mid-back plants "C", to the back/right of teh photo, are the tops that were planted. The very front plants "C" are tops and were very small cuttings. And, just so not to confuse anyone...plant "A" is a Polygonum (plain ol' vanilla...don't get excited) and plant "B" is what I believe some have had before that MIGHT be L. palustris, or a hybrid of it...and I have never been successful with thisone for very long. It's only in there to show the difference between growth pattern and leaf does not persist long under water. (Anyone confused yet? )

              And finally, just a plain ol shot from the top, looking down, and the same plants from the front of the tank looking in.

              Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
              Also follow us on Facebook and APC

