I am new to this forum and wanted to say hello. I have always wanted a planted aquarium with discus. I just completed my project and wanted to post it on here.
My system is:
100g Oceanic aquarium
(2) Fluval 305 cannister filters
120lbs of eco-complete substrate
CO2 system
driftwood and rocks
low light/discus plant package
5 discus
15 neon tetras
5 cardinal tetras
I am attaching a picture. The discus are hiding so they are difficult to spot.
Any input good or bad is appreciated, this is my first planted tank.
I am new to this forum and wanted to say hello. I have always wanted a planted aquarium with discus. I just completed my project and wanted to post it on here.
My system is:
100g Oceanic aquarium
(2) Fluval 305 cannister filters
120lbs of eco-complete substrate
CO2 system
driftwood and rocks
low light/discus plant package
5 discus
15 neon tetras
5 cardinal tetras
I am attaching a picture. The discus are hiding so they are difficult to spot.
Any input good or bad is appreciated, this is my first planted tank.