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12 Gallon Miracle Tank

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  • 12 Gallon Miracle Tank

    Reason why it's the miracle tank is that it saved my Rili colony and created a massive population boom. It is currently doing the same with the Cardinia species. Another reason is that the plants that grow in here grow ridiculously faster than the tank that has CO2. It is currently 2 months old.


    36" T5 AquaticLife
    Eheim 2213
    Mr. Aqua 12 Gallon Long


    Red and Blue Rilis
    Velvet Shrimps
    Crystal Red and Black Shrimp
    Orange Eye Blue Tiger
    Horned Nerite
    Zebra Nerite
    Juvenile Pleco
    Planaria <-----Foul Evil Things Needs TO DIE!!

    Will trade Fish Stuff for Camera Lens and Anime Figures.

  • #2
    That is one super nice tank I wish I could have time to make one of these one Day those shrimps look super happy


    • #3
      nice tank!
      Hi-fin pepper Cory's, Black Cory's, Long Fin Golden Aneus, Swordtails, some lyretail(RREA's, Red, Albino Koi, Red & Gold Tux), Different types of BN plecos(albino, calico, long fin, blue eyed short & long fin)
      Mystery Snails, Yellow Shrimp, CPDs

      HAS Master Aquatic Gardener awarded 1997
      HAS Master Fish Breeder awarded 1998


      • #4
        12 Gallon Miracle Tank

        That's a crazy amount of light, how do you keep algae blooms at bay?


        • #5
          12 Gallon Miracle Tank

          Pimp tank btw!


          • #6
            I got an army of nerites that do their job pretty damn well. Only problem is the constant trimming of small hair algae growth. Also, the lighting is on an irregular pattern so it disrupts algae growth.
            Will trade Fish Stuff for Camera Lens and Anime Figures.


            • #7
              12 Gallon Miracle Tank

              I use the same fixture on a 29g. I tend to get GSA regularly. I also have an irregular schedule; four on, two off, four on. I want nerites to deal with the green spot but I don't want eggs everywhere.


              • #8
                My nerites don't seem to breed. I really wouldn't have to worry about eggs.
                Will trade Fish Stuff for Camera Lens and Anime Figures.


                • #9
                  Would the irregular light schedule have an effect on the plants?

                  I've got nerites as well. I've seen the original two I have do the nasty, but never witnessed any eggs or anything of the like. They haven't laid any eggs either because I haven't found any white remains on the driftwood, glass, plants, light, filter, etc. I recently added 3 more nerites just because I like how they look.

                  Btw, very nice tank! I like the varying colors. The shrimp don't interbreed? (still new to shrimp)


                  • #10
                    12 Gallon Miracle Tank

                    You two need to tell me what nerites are in your tanks, my olive greens covered everything!
                    What's the flora behind the blyxa in the very corner?


                    • #11
                      @mistahoo, so far no noticeable negative effects on the plants. Rilis and Velvets come from the same strand, so interbreeding isn't a problem because they'll either produce red rili or velvets. Shrimp masters says that crystals and tigers will crossbreed but from what I'm seeing, they are staying in their own cliches.

                      @GoSpursGo, the problem I have dealing with plants is trying to remember their names. I know a little less than half of all things growing in all my tanks, so I'm not much help with identifying plants. I have 1 olive nerite and over 20 zebra nerites that are on algae duty.
                      Will trade Fish Stuff for Camera Lens and Anime Figures.


                      • #12
                        I honestly have no clue what the original two nerites I have are. The three I added were 2 horned nerites and 1 large black racer nerite. I wanna get a ton of different nerites, but I haven't seen them come in locally yet.


                        • #13
                          Try Tim's nerites. That's where I got mine from.
                          Will trade Fish Stuff for Camera Lens and Anime Figures.


                          • #14
                            It is a nice looking tank. For some one that doesn't know all the name of your plants. They sure look fantastic...
                            Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                            • #15
                              I am new to plants to I have a hard time rembering the names to. But I love that red one in the middle it looks great and the shrimps look happy. All you are missing is that Lilly intake

