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Carpets etc etc

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  • #31
    What do you consider small?
    I'm on the verge of battling algae but then again I've been leaving my lights on for way too long. I have like 4 different types of plants that you could use for carpeting, I'd be more than happy to trade small patches for other plants I don't have.

    I have dwarf hair grass, subwassertang, riccia, and java moss.

    I can trade other plants as well, I've been collecting a couple diff types every LFS I go to :)


    • #32
      There's almost no ground that isn't covered by plants in my tank. I've also got tons of floaters, a lot of moss on almost all of the driftwood, a good amount of riccia. The plants choke out the algae for nutrients.


      • #33
        Originally posted by amirk7 View Post
        if you going to be at home tomorrow i will stop by
        I got work at 4-10pm. Either before or after


        • #34
          Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
          There's almost no ground that isn't covered by plants in my tank. I've also got tons of floaters, a lot of moss on almost all of the driftwood, a good amount of riccia. The plants choke out the algae for nutrients.
          Lemme get some clippings if you have that much, I can offer clippings off mine if you'd like but come closer to sw houston haha. Shoot me a txt with what you can offer and I'll do the same. 832-798-7552


          • #35
            Well it's well planted, but it's not tall enough for trimmings. You can click my sig for the link to the build


            • #36
              I've got way more pics that I've been lazy to post. Here's the photobucket link


              • #37
                What kinda shrimp and you wanna sell some or trade some?


                • #38
                  Shrimp isn't up for sale or trades. They're still growing. No adults in the group of blue velvets. The others are amanos but only 1 adult and they're part of the cuc. I could spare some floaters and a little bit of trimmings of the stems in the back. You're a bit far though.


                  • #39
                    What kind of light fixtures would you guys recommend for a high light set up for a simple 10g gallon setup? Cheapest would be idea


                    • #40
                      Cheaper you go, the more you sacrifice aesthetics. A cheap light you could get is the flood lights home depot sells and put in a 6500-6700k bulb in it. Something around 50watt or equivalent to it. You could go higher or lower if you want. There's also PAR30-38 bulbs you could use in a regular lamp. I've got two 20H light fixtures on my 5g and it's giving out high light at 15w per bulb. The high light plants I'm using as testers are really growing great!


                      • #41
                        There's a whole lot of things you could use; get creative. Trial and error. A desk lamp, a clip on lamp, or a regular lamp. There's a bunch of stuff.


                        • #42
                          Also, where in Houston do you guys usually buy carpeted plants?


                          • #43
                            You can get dhg at some petsmarts, all the other ones I've picked up off other members.


                            • #44
                              Re: Carpets etc etc

                              I got most from members on here. You'd be surprised at how many planted tanks there are. Majority of the plants in my tank came from bill, mnemenoi, allysangels, lordbarron, and jozle. Just post up a wanted thread.

                              Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                                I got most from members on here. You'd be surprised at how many planted tanks there are. Majority of the plants in my tank came from bill, mnemenoi, allysangels, lordbarron, and jozle. Just post up a wanted thread.

                                Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.
                                I'm bumping this thread because, I want more plants lol. Since I have a tall fat tank, I was going for a carpet of dwarf sagittaria and regular sagittaria vs normal short bushy plants. I have about 25% from only a couple runners I bought off a blue eyed thing here. I'm gonna snip the runners and spread them again soon though. It helps with the height gap, having stems for the top, swords for mid, and ground cover.

                                Oh and I'm drunk. :)

