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seachem flourite

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  • seachem flourite

    ok guys i have a 6ft tank that im. currently putting together. Im wanting to get seachem flourite as my substtrate 2" depth then il cap it off with gravel.
    But when i went to the site and used there caculator
    plant, aquarium, gravel, substrate, garden, natural, sand

    my eyes were stunned! It told me 7 bags! My hobby store sells them at $67 AUD each! Thats nearly 500 to cover my tank is this correct?

    If this is correct im going yo need help on a diy subatratw or il just have fake plants because between that, gravel, co2 thats $1000 alone?

    Width : 17"
    Lengh : 72"
    subsrate depth : 2"

    Check out my aquarium journals
    - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
    -10gallon fry tank

  • #2
    The amount of bags sounds about right. $67 is stupid expensive though! You could always buy from someone else. That route is always cheaper.


    • #3
      Re: seachem flourite

      ok i found some in another store
      $ 37 works out to be $259 which is alot better

      Check out my aquarium journals
      - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
      -10gallon fry tank


      • #4
        Man... $37 is still a lot. Over here, a 9L bag of ADA Amazonia is about $30-35 and I prefer the Amazonia over the Seachem Flourite


        • #5
          Re: seachem flourite


          australia is very expensive
          Check out my aquarium journals
          - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
          -10gallon fry tank


          • #6
            I would avoid capping it
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #7
              Re: seachem flourite

              why not cap it?
              any reason for not?
              so this means il need 3" flourite?

              i think it will be cheaper to cap is as that 1" i could replace with gravel becauae its cheapa?

              Check out my aquarium journals
              - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
              -10gallon fry tank


              • #8
                I think it will look ugly capped with gravel. Using this calculator here

                the difference between 3 inch deep and 2 inches is only 40 lbs (127 vs 85), which is 2 bags, and considering you have already invested 4 bags, I don't think 2 bags more will hurt the pocket much more :)

                A practical reason you should not is you are semi-defeating the purpose of the higher surface area of the flourite to store nutrients from the water column by not exposing it to the water column.


                • #9
                  Re: seachem flourite

                  thanks for all your help guys but i dont see the point in spending so much on a subatrate

                  ive decided to go
                  2" miricle gro potting mix
                  1" river sand

                  il be heavily planted eventually

                  ive read many good reviews on the potting mix and it is cheap

                  Check out my aquarium journals
                  - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
                  -10gallon fry tank


                  • #10
                    There are other options. A couple of large footprint stones or driftwood. to help fill the bottom.
                    Alot of use here (in the states) use Pool filter sand. From the swimming pool store. 50lb bag is about $15.00 us. I have plants in it and it looks nice.
                    Just a thought.
                    Good luck.
                    Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                    • #11
                      honestly if you do decide to cap it use a gravel that looks somewhat like the potting mix because the constant movement in the tank i.e. water from filter fish will expose it and then you'll have a true mess on your hand not to mention the sudden excess nutrients will hit the water and more than likely cause a massive algae bloom this has happened to me on more than once
                      125g: Empty For Now
                      90g: Planted S.A.

                      “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
                      Sun Tzu, The Art of War


                      • #12
                        Don't go with the miracle gro potting soil if you plan to have any flow in the tank. It will become a huge mess with potting soil flying all over the tank.


                        • #13
                          I agree with digitallinh. If you're going to go for a nice planted tank, might as well spend the little extra in the beginning and save yourself trouble later. You'll be happier with the results over the life of the tank. Fluorite doesn't "go bad" or get used's a solid investment that's one of the more important you'll make for the tank.
                          Capping also ends up being a mess, as far as I've seen. Starts out great, but it'll end up mixed. If you want to mix fluorite and something else, great- but might as well start out that way and save frustration there, as well.
                          That's my .02- hope it helps, good luck!
                          "I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." -Oscar Wilde


                          • #14
                            Well guys , my head has been back and forth all day.

                            But reading up all different types of suggestions , i really appreciate the replys.

                            I think il finaly go back to seachem fluorite since it wont make a mess, I had a discussion with my dad last night and since my tank will be on display (main tank) for people to look at , the last thing we want is a cloudy dirty tank and since il endup spending a $ on co2 and decor i may aswel fork out the rest for the substrate. Now ,

                            is it ok to go 2" substrate and a river sand ? or should i just go 3 " flourite ?

                            Also how are cats, cleaner going to find flourite?

                            Thank you everyone for your help i appreciate it
                            Last edited by tys91; 01-31-2013, 01:36 AM.
                            Check out my aquarium journals
                            - 100 gallon Livebearers community tank
                            -10gallon fry tank


                            • #15
                              Looks like you have it all worked out. Sounds like its going to look nice. Whats your time line look like? Looking forward to seeing it. So take lots of pictures.
                              Because you live in Australia. I have to ask. Do you know what a fly river turtle is?
                              Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...

