ok guys i have a 6ft tank that im. currently putting together. Im wanting to get seachem flourite as my substtrate 2" depth then il cap it off with gravel.
But when i went to the site and used there caculator
my eyes were stunned! It told me 7 bags! My hobby store sells them at $67 AUD each! Thats nearly 500 to cover my tank is this correct?
If this is correct im going yo need help on a diy subatratw or il just have fake plants because between that, gravel, co2 thats $1000 alone?
Width : 17"
Lengh : 72"
subsrate depth : 2"
But when i went to the site and used there caculator
my eyes were stunned! It told me 7 bags! My hobby store sells them at $67 AUD each! Thats nearly 500 to cover my tank is this correct?
If this is correct im going yo need help on a diy subatratw or il just have fake plants because between that, gravel, co2 thats $1000 alone?
Width : 17"
Lengh : 72"
subsrate depth : 2"