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FUNGUS/Algae- plant gurus, help!

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Carse Thompson View Post
    Drift wood makes water more alkeline. Lime stone makes the water more acidic.
    You have it backwards. Driftwood makes it more acidic and limestone makes it more alkaline.

    Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


    • #62
      Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
      You have it backwards. Driftwood makes it more acidic and limestone makes it more alkaline.

      Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.
      You're right. I was missinformed.


      • #63
        After further research, I have found that limestone won't raise the ph above 7.0 because of the chemical processes it uses. It will however increase your CO2 levels.


        • #64
          Lime stone increase CO2? nice... gonna find me some limestone.. and throw in my tank
          I have the patience of a goldfish....


          • #65
            Lol! Nope. Limestone can raise pH to 7.6, but most parts here in Houston, tap comes out 7.4-8.0. I'd highly doubt the rock can increase CO2. Maybe gH and kH.

            Where are you getting your information?

            Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


            • #66

              Here is one site. The limestone doesn't create CO2 but increases the absorbing potential of the water.


              • #67
                Interesting, but I've never seen this applied to aquariums.
                "I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." -Oscar Wilde


                • #68
                  I'm quite skeptical about that but who knows... It maybe something new. The chemical equation doesn't suggest increase CO2 absorbtion but more of the process of how the weak acid was created in the reaction between lime stone, water and co2. I guess when co2 is used up water will be able to absorb co2 in the air easier. But that doesn't mean an increase in co2 in the tank because the co2 was already consumed in the above reaction. I'm no chemist but that's what I understand from the article
                  I have the patience of a goldfish....


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Carse Thompson View Post
                    Here is one site. The limestone doesn't create CO2 but increases the absorbing potential of the water.

                    Incorrect. Not absorbing potential of the water. It's basically playing with chemicals and limestone and creating a chemical reaction to achieve acid mine drainage. Honestly, I wouldn't even consider doing such a thing with aquariums unless you plan on having a tank with nothing in it. Adding ammonia to a tank = a no no for any living creature. Calcium Hydroxide too? I'd be scared to even touch this with a 10 foot pole. If you were trying to do an experiment or create acidic and toxic water, I would say you're on the right path.

                    This is a prime example of information that's on the internet that you shouldn't always entirely believe. You should read about things on the internet to get a basic idea and then venture off to more reliable sources to confirm what you've found.

                    For aquariums, if you want to drop the pH, organic or natural things are better to use. Peat moss, driftwood, IAL, alder cones, other leaves, wood fibers, substrate like Aquasoil or Brightwell, etc. You can achieve very low pH without having to deal with chemicals that can harm and kill your fish.
                    Last edited by mistahoo; 07-24-2013, 11:22 PM.


                    • #70
                      These were just a couple that were more specific. I saw more research about natural ground water that hinted at the same conclusion. I would never put muratic acid in an aquarium, but if I get the chance to do a prop per experiment I will give you the results. Until then, it's just a hypothesis.


                      • #71
                        like I said it could be something new.. but for the time being lets be safe
                        I have the patience of a goldfish....


                        • #72
                          Quick update- after the cleanup and restart, so far so signs of recurrence yet. Looks like this now, with a new-to-me Finnex Ray2. LOVE that light.

                          Not wanting to get too fancy/involved with the scape until I am sure I killed the Blob off. Then I'll tinker with it some more, but this'll do for now!
                          "I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." -Oscar Wilde


                          • #73
                            nice! watch out for that light it's pretty much a real high light tank you have there now


                            • #74
                              Love the look of that scapes... What are you gonna have in there?
                              I have the patience of a goldfish....


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Chester View Post
                                nice! watch out for that light it's pretty much a real high light tank you have there now
                                Thanks, I'm trying to ease into it...on a timer for 7 hrs a day right now: 4 on, 3 hr break, then back on for 3.

                                Originally posted by suicune View Post
                                Love the look of that scapes... What are you gonna have in there?
                                Thank ya! It's got 2 o cats, 20+ chili rasboras, 2 nerites and my lone OEBT. Might do some stock switcharoo once I get the 5g up and running...
                                "I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." -Oscar Wilde

