They do terrifically, we really only run 1 bulb out of the 2-36 watt bulbs on the tank. I recommend using the following formula for lighting on aquariums. Total Wattage (not effective with LED's, so PAR becomes necessary) divided by the gallonage equals WPG (watts per gallon). Thus our 36 watt bulb on a 10 gallon tank (36/10=3.6 wpg) if both bulbs were ran (72/10=7.2wpg ). 1-2 wpg is low light, 2-3 is medium light, and 3+ is high light. Higher light tanks usually benefit from CO2 supplementation, though mine does not and is considered 'low-tech'. 'High Tech' just means pressurized CO2 supplementation. We use Excel, a liquid alternative carbon source instead.
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10 Gal Lighting..
That should work with plant placement. Spiral CFL are very nice, but are notoriously difficult for spreading even light througout the tank. Possibly adding a secondary on the other side would give you a more even spread. Lower light plants would do well in the areas not brightly lit by the CFL bulb though. Using Excel and allowing the tank to settle in might take some time, but eventually it will be very achievable.In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Desiderius Erasmus
GHAC President
But the fixture is the one with only one light. I also have the one where I can put two spirals but It barely fits.. It also looks kind of weird... That's why I put the LEDs along the hood and that covers some shadows that the cfl can't reach... I'm thinking of sticking with this.... So I can purchase plants with that 100$$??20Long
Always a good plan! Lol. There are usually a lot of folks on the box here that have extra trimmings and such. Try listing your general location in your profile and maybe some nice folks on here will offer some extras next time they do some pruning. Its an easier manner to try numerous species and see what works and what does not in your tank.In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Desiderius Erasmus
GHAC President
For lighting on a 10g I've always used the aquarium hoods that you can buy at Walmart and placed high output 20w 6500k bulbs that you can buy in the lighting section. It's always been reliable for me and it's probably cheaper than any other higher model fixture.
This is a tank I had a while back with this lighting:
and this is a tank I have now with this lighting: