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Low light, low tech tank 100 gal

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  • #16
    Re: Low light, low tech tank 100 gal

    Thanks Bogdan. Moss wood was credited to Ek, but java fern wood is mine. I experienced that thread/hair algae in fern's leaves already went away but is still in the moss.

    Actually, pure white substrate is just marble gravel with no nutrient ingredient at all. And the big ones are indeed limestone. Good eye. I did not plan to have a planted tank at first, but thing came when I first join the box. Suprisingly, fern, crypts, and vals survived but no growth. That's why I mix them with ADA aquasoil when I decide to have a fully planted tank.

    The pH I checked was 7.0. My hypothesis is that the water's pH is 7.0 plus limestone's effect (basic) canceled out the ADA soil's effect (acidic) which cause no change in my water's chemistry.

    After your last visit, your planted tank is really impressed. Healthy plant and crystal clear water.  :P I just wish to see it again. May I ask how many hour the light is on? Which snail do you have, nerite or ramshorn?

    About discus. uh.... I was about to post the sale on discus b/c jardini keeps picking on the blue one. But now, I want to buy 2 more blue diamond discuses. Is this crazy? :wink:
    100 gal- java fern windelov,anubia petite,xmas moss, crypt,val, sword, riccia fluitans, Sagittaria subulata
    30 gal:e.tenellus,hygrophila wavy,acicularis vivapara,Limnophila aquatica,Hygrophila corymbosa,Hydrocotyle(praecox rainbow,Celestial PD


    • #17
      Re: Low light, low tech tank 100 gal

      Hmmm... you could add peat to your filter to soften the water a bit more for the discus, but that would tint the water and most plants wouldn't like that. Maybe you could dose just a small amount to a faint amber... Then again, if he's made it this far, he's probably pretty hardy, just probably wouldn't breed in this water.

      Man, I know what you mean about accidentally starting a planted tank. I got super-inspired after all these fishboxers were showing off their awesome planteds.


      • #18
        Re: Low light, low tech tank 100 gal

        Light in my tank is on for 10h, I do have ramshorn, trumpet and gilled snails and will introduce some Nerites soon as well.
        The idea to get 2 more discus is not bad, I just think that you have hard water and this fish like very soft and acidic water.
        I remember somebody on the fishbox saying that he grows discus in Houston tap water, I believe that, but your water is more likely much harder than tap water.
        So get some advice from the guy you are going to buy the fish and check the hardness.


        • #19
          Re: Low light, low tech tank 100 gal

          I'll email Dan.
          100 gal- java fern windelov,anubia petite,xmas moss, crypt,val, sword, riccia fluitans, Sagittaria subulata
          30 gal:e.tenellus,hygrophila wavy,acicularis vivapara,Limnophila aquatica,Hygrophila corymbosa,Hydrocotyle(praecox rainbow,Celestial PD


          • #20
            Re: Low light, low tech tank 100 gal

            pH is one thing and hardness is another.
            700g Mini-Monster tank

