Hey all. I'm currently researching lighting options for a 105 gallon tall tank (48" long and 30" tall). The setup will be low tech, maybe with Excel and Flourish, but no CO2 running. The plants will be mostly slow-metabolizers and low light, such as bolbitis, anubias, some of the swords, and java fern. The issue I've had with plants in this tank in the past is that I can't get great penetrance of the light all the way down to 30+ inches.
I'm looking into T5 high output vs power compact fixtures, and I've been reading a ton of articles on this. But nothing beats personal experience. Ideas/thoughts, anyone? What kind of lighting would be best for this tank and its flora?
Thanks all!
I'm looking into T5 high output vs power compact fixtures, and I've been reading a ton of articles on this. But nothing beats personal experience. Ideas/thoughts, anyone? What kind of lighting would be best for this tank and its flora?
Thanks all!
