Hey guys! Picked up a 6.6 gallon Petco bookshelf aquarium the other day, and wanted to show you guys the progress so far. Open to any suggestions!
Dimensions: 24 x 9 x 8
Substrate: Play sand
Filter: Stock HOB, may upgrade to one rated for ~20 gal.
Lighting: Stock Lighting, 15 watt fluorescent. (Suggestions for an upgrade bulb?)
Décor: Malaysian Driftwood
Flora: Java fern (recovering from a long travel) Amazon sword, green ludwigia, Narrow-leaf sword(?) and java moss
Inhabitants: Nothing yet, considering doing RCS and maybe a pair of scarlet badis if I can find them... Or open to suggestions! Here is a before and after shot. I'm hoping the java moss will cover the wood, I know it look strange wrapped around it right now.
Dimensions: 24 x 9 x 8
Substrate: Play sand
Filter: Stock HOB, may upgrade to one rated for ~20 gal.
Lighting: Stock Lighting, 15 watt fluorescent. (Suggestions for an upgrade bulb?)
Décor: Malaysian Driftwood
Flora: Java fern (recovering from a long travel) Amazon sword, green ludwigia, Narrow-leaf sword(?) and java moss
Inhabitants: Nothing yet, considering doing RCS and maybe a pair of scarlet badis if I can find them... Or open to suggestions! Here is a before and after shot. I'm hoping the java moss will cover the wood, I know it look strange wrapped around it right now.