Originally posted by Chester
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75g planted tank journal
Thank you, sent him a PM.
Just got done doing a 1hr drip acclamation with the threadfin rainbows and amano that I just purchased from HAW. Big thanks for his help!
Sorry for bad phone pics. Will bring it the DSLR after there lights out period. Also how long would y'all suggest to keep the lights off for the fish to settle in?
Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2Last edited by wesleh; 07-06-2013, 06:44 PM.
Just notice this white, what I'm assuming is fungus, that is covering parts of my manzanita wood only. Any idea on what it is exactly and if I could treat it. The wood was left soaking in the water for two days, then boiled, then soaked again for a few hrs to cool down and then placed in tank.
Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2Last edited by wesleh; 07-08-2013, 06:57 PM.
Added 13 rummy nose tetra tonight. I drip acclimated them for an hr and a half. As soon as putting them in, they went into complete shock. After 2hrs of being in the tank, there are still 5 of them in shock. The rest seem to be fine other then that.
Also, I slowed down the flow of the filters using the disconnects. Do yall think it would affect the intake and lower filtration if I wanted to leave it long term?
Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2
may wanna do longer next time. Make sure that when you do drip acclimation, you should always replace some water from the bucket sometimes. The goal is to match the water from the tank and the water from the bucket as close as possible. for example, if the fish water is 10% of the bucket, and you let it drip till the bucket is 20% full, that means the water chemistry is still far from your tank water as the ratio of the fish water and your tank is 1:1. if you let it drip till 80%, the ratio is 1:7 now so the water in the bucket is going to be very close to your tank.
Last week I introduced a dwarf gourami, and a school of oto cats. Both types are very sensitive to new tank, so I left the water drip for 2 hours+. The fish water was only 5% of my mini cooler (I had to tilt the cooler at first =P). I let it drip till the cooler was almost full then put the fish into the tank. They were scared for a bit because of the new set up, then felt right at home and is now school with my old oto cats.Last edited by suicune; 07-09-2013, 11:13 PM.I have the patience of a goldfish....
Long acclimation times can also cause rummies to go into shock. They do best in established tanks. May I ask where you got them from? C&R Tropicals gets the strongest and hardiest rummies. I've never had a problem keeping the ones I get from them in Houston tap or in peat-softened water.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkAll bleeding stops eventually...