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Planted tank help and suggestions

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  • Planted tank help and suggestions

    Hi All, I have decided to do a planted tank build with my 90 gallon. However, I have never done live plants before. Any suggestions on how to start out or what I need to keep an eye out for?

    The theme I am going for is a planted discuss tank.

    I am looking for suggestions on the following:

    1: What specific equipment do I need to have a successful planted tank
    2: What type of gravel, sand or dirt should I use.
    3: What type of light do I need?
    4: What type of plants are the easiest to for a beginner?
    5: What should I look for when selecting plant (how to detect pests.. etc..)

    Any other info you guys can provide is greatly appreciated!


  • #2
    Originally posted by Hangman View Post
    Hi All, I have decided to do a planted tank build with my 90 gallon. However, I have never done live plants before. Any suggestions on how to start out or what I need to keep an eye out for?

    The theme I am going for is a planted discuss tank.

    I am looking for suggestions on the following:

    1: What specific equipment do I need to have a successful planted tank
    2: What type of gravel, sand or dirt should I use.
    3: What type of light do I need?
    4: What type of plants are the easiest to for a beginner?
    5: What should I look for when selecting plant (how to detect pests.. etc..)

    Any other info you guys can provide is greatly appreciated!

    1. Same filter as a fish only tank. Lighting depends on what type of plants (low, low/medium, medium, medium/high, high light). CO2 setups are amazing for planted tanks regardless of the plants are low or high light.

    2. Substrate is your choice. Just anything that doesn't raise the pH (crushed coral, aragonite, etc) as most aquatic plants available in the hobby can't tolerate the higher pH.

    3. Most common lighting is T5. You could use T8 for the lower light plants. CFL, T5HO, LEDs and MH are other options to explore.

    4. Generally low light plants like java moss, java fern, anubias, etc. Honestly since you've already done a reef tank, you shouldn't have a problem with more demanding plants like hc, dhg, other carpeting plants, etc.

    5. Bleach dip everything! This is comparable to dipping corals.

    A planted tank is extremely similar to a reef tank in several aspects. If you can do a reef tank, you can do a planted rank, vice versa

    Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.
    Last edited by mistahoo; 07-18-2013, 10:07 PM.


    • #3
      Thanks for the info! I appreciate it.. Question, how do you bleach dip plants? Don't they die if dipped in bleach? I'll have to do some you tube searches for bleach dipping plants..


      • #4
        Do a 1:20 bleach-to-water solution dip. As suggested by the name, you want to dip the plant like you'd do a coral. It's basically the same but with a bleach solution. The plants can tolerate it to an extent. After dipping, rinse in dechlorinated water.

        Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


        • #5
          Funny. When I got home, a plant package was in the mail for me. I went ahead and recorded the bleach dipping for you. Thanks to RastaFarian for recording!


          • #6
            Dang baller steven using the good bleach and not the cheap generic one!


            • #7
              Clorox is the only brand I use for bleaching anything. Completely forgot they're concentrated now and did two tablespoons full (1oz). Worked out anyways. BTW Hangman, that's Glossostigma elatinoides. A carpeting plant that is easy to grow and care for. It's sensitive to an extent, but bleach solution didn't harm it at all.


              • #8
                I love glosso! Nice recording Steven. Very helpful vid for the folks who haven't done this before!

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                All bleeding stops eventually...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                  Funny. When I got home, a plant package was in the mail for me. I went ahead and recorded the bleach dipping for you. Thanks to RastaFarian for recording!

                  Sweet.. Thanks so much for the video!


                  • #10
                    Well, got the tank setup today.. Here's some pics of what I have done so far..

                    First level of gravel around the perimeter...

                    Then a layer of soil for the plants. Wanted two mounds on each side of the tank..

                    Then a layer of gravel to cap the soil and then added the driftwood..

                    Here's the tank filled and with the plants.. Now to wait for it to cycle completely..

                    Now waiting for the water to clear up..


                    • #11
                      Looks good. If you place tons of plants in, it'll speed up the cycling process.


                      • #12
                        Added some more plants and still waiting for the water to clear up.. Getting tannins leaching into the tank from the potting soil and new driftwood..


                        • #13
                          Hey it looks great! Got any purigen in the filters? That works wonders to get those tannins out, if you don't like the black water look.

                          Sent from my iPhone by one of my fish
                          All bleeding stops eventually...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by aquabee View Post
                            Hey it looks great! Got any purigen in the filters? That works wonders to get those tannins out, if you don't like the black water look.

                            Sent from my iPhone by one of my fish
                            In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                            Desiderius Erasmus
                            GHAC President


                            • #15
                              Can I add Purigen now or should I wait until the tank finishes cycling. Since Purigen absorbs Ammonia, will it slow down my cycle process?

