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Talk to me about plants

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  • Talk to me about plants

    I had a T8 with java fern and anubuis. They started dying off so I got a fixture witg 2 T5's and 6700k in it. Both plants started springing back to life and I got a lot of alge growth.

    Between 2 to 3 weeks ago I added some of each of these Dracaena, Spathuphyllum, Ophiopogon, Trichomanes and Syngonium.

    Last week I added about 8 stems of Egeria densa.

    Some of my leafs are going yellow, ive read online about about some plants going into shock and dieing off like that and coming back. What do I need to do ? I have Flourish by Seachem would that help?

    Also it's a pita to keep the Egeria densa down, would it be ok to thread some fish linw through button of the stem with a needle to tie it off to a flat rock I have and maybe grow a moss or grass on the rock too ?

    Also there is a tiny bit of black fur on some leaves, what is it (algae?) And what can I do to get rid of and prevent it.

    Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

  • #2
    I'm not an expert but I had the same issue. I just adjusted the lighting like you did and did small water changes every few days. That seemed to work for me. Good luck with it. Post pics if you can, that always helps.
    75 Gallon - Planted Discus Tank (in progress, see South American section)

    Looking for rimless nano. PM me if you have something.


    • #3
      Cool I will snap some pics later and post them.


      • #4
        Sounds like a few of the plants you acquired are non aquatics. They sell them, but they will never survive very long fully submerged. Eventually they will yellow and die. The Elodea is best wrapped with plant weights or tied down until it roots. The algae sounds like black beard algae, excel dosing and hydrogen peroxide spot treatment will remove it. Flourish can help, but my guess is that it is the terrestrials slowly succumbing to submersal. It drives many of the planted tank folks here crazy they mislead and sell them as newer folks fail and get frustrated and never could have succeded from the start. Good Luck and give a shout to the local boxers if you want some trimmings to try your hand at more species. We always have extras after trimmings
        In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
        Desiderius Erasmus
        GHAC President


        • #5
          Ill do some more research on the plants to see if theyre meant to be fully submerged but what you say makes sense. I really want a low tech tank as I think theyre pretty badass looking. I see youre close to me (Im Conroe area) so if you trim and sell any id definitely look into buying something.


          • #6
            Well if you want I have some great Hydrotriche hottoniiflora, this stuff grows like crazy!
            I will be doing a trimming after this week and should have 10+ stems for you... BUT I live in Katy.


            • #7
              It looks like those plants are not true aquatic and a site rates them as "terrarium". I did take pics but swapped out phones and forgot to backup pictures :| Id love some of those AHP but Katy is a tad too far to drive.


              • #8
                Its ok I understand, once I posted that someone PM'ed me and took them off my hands.

