Just started a 10 gallon walstad method tank about 3 weeks ago. Never tried this and after reading and watching some youtube videos on it i figured id give it a try. so far seems to be going really well and i havent had much plant melting like i have seen happen to others. trying to figure out what im going to stock this with so suggestions are welcomed.
aqueon 10 gallon HOB
2 13 watt 6500k cfl bulbs
miracle gro organic
crushed clay
1" pool filter sand cap
amazon sword
crypt wendti bronze
crypt lutea
cardinal plant
anubias nana
dwarf hairgrass
I am debating on dosing excel but for now no c02 or ferts just regular water changes. need to check my parameters to see where i am at. let me know what yall think!
aqueon 10 gallon HOB
2 13 watt 6500k cfl bulbs
miracle gro organic
crushed clay
1" pool filter sand cap
amazon sword
crypt wendti bronze
crypt lutea
cardinal plant
anubias nana
dwarf hairgrass
I am debating on dosing excel but for now no c02 or ferts just regular water changes. need to check my parameters to see where i am at. let me know what yall think!