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lighting question

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  • lighting question

    My wife and I recently like 2 weeks ago setup a planted aqaurium.
    It's a standard 20g aquarium.

    We have the following plants;
    Rotala Sp. Vietnam
    Jungle Val
    Corkscrew Val
    Micro Crypt.
    Marsleia Minuta

    I have a 4x 24" T5HO - I am currently running the following photo period;

    10:00a.m. - 2x bulbs
    12:00p.m. - the other 2x bulbs kick on
    5:00p.m. the later 2x bulbs kick off
    10:00p.m. All bulbs are shut off

    So my question is this -

    Should I just run all four bulbs and not do the split up bulb combos?

    Don't know if this is relevant, but -

    We are dosing Seachem Flourish Excel - daily at the recommended dosage for our size tank.

    With water changes of 10-20% every other day.

    Sparse feedings 3 times daily of nls 1mm algae max sinking pellets.

    Current livestock includes;

    1x samouri gourami
    1x thai flying fox
    1x corydoras abrbatus
    1x corydoras melanistrus
    2x gold otos
    1x panda garra rufa
    1x purple tyol snail
    2x striped nerite snails
    1x upside down catfish
    ELOS 120 - Retroculus Xinguensis, Geogphagus Neambi
    5g AIO Betta, Pygmy Cories

  • #2
    Is this a CO2 injected tank? Its listed as High tech, but without CO2 its considered low tech (well medium tech as I know all the hassle well as it is what we run and can be just as complex). As to photoperiods, usually with even high tech or low its best to start at 10 hours and move up and down there. In low tech set ups its best to run 4-5 hours and break for a 2-4 hour siesta and then another 4-5 hours. It allows the CO2 to rebuild and the plants end up out competing the algae. In a low tech set up, we water change every couple weeks depending on our Nitrates. Its best to keep them between 10-20ppm, we have dropped them to 0 and the plants started acting up. Took us awhile to realize it was our abysmal Nitrate readings. If your high tech there are different practices. I've also heard medium tech being referred to for DIY CO2, so there are a lot of considerations and recommendations I can make based on those factors. Post up and I'll be happy to help.
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    Desiderius Erasmus
    GHAC President


    • #3
      and would have replied earlier, but it was the Walking Dead season finale LOL
      In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
      Desiderius Erasmus
      GHAC President


      • #4
        No CO2 is definitely not high tech. T5HO on for that long is a bit much, but IMO I couldn't comment on the lighting period without knowing how densely planted the tank is or if it's a 20 gal long or a tall one.


        • #5
          Here is an explanation for a mid day break in lighting and its affect in a low tech planted tank, in an injected tank the CO2 levels would never fall below a certain injected rate, so it does not really apply. It was written by Diana Walstad over at Aquatic Plant Central.
          In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
          Desiderius Erasmus
          GHAC President


          • #6
            Okay, the tank is 20g - 24" x 16" x12" - standard 20g tall I guess.
            No c02 and I want it to stay as easy to maintain as possible.
            I have ~20 stems of rotala-
            ~20 stems of vals - (10 stems each)
            ~15 stems of bacopa
            ~40 leaves - of marselia minuta
            ~1 big stem of wisteria
            ~100-150 pieces of duck weed, i thin to nothing and it comes right back.

            I know on my old planted tanks I used to run the lights all of them for ~10hrs and those setups had powercompacts.
            So I guess I want to know is the T5ho the same? If I had luck doing this with pc's is it feasable to think it will aplly to t5ho's in the same scenario?
            ELOS 120 - Retroculus Xinguensis, Geogphagus Neambi
            5g AIO Betta, Pygmy Cories


            • #7
              Originally posted by mnemenoi View Post
              Here is an explanation for a mid day break in lighting and its affect in a low tech planted tank, in an injected tank the CO2 levels would never fall below a certain injected rate, so it does not really apply. It was written by Diana Walstad over at Aquatic Plant Central.
              Great read. Trying to study back up on high tech tanks in preparation for my next setup. Now it's just a waiting game while I collect everything I need


              • #8
                They are basically on the same level for sure, T5's have a bit better penetration then PC do, but on that size tank depth its really doubtful that would come into play. You can try running it 10 hours, but our tanks get to be a swamp of algae running that photoperiod that long, perhaps you'll have better luck. Post some pics of the tank and we usually get together and trade plants at the GHAC meetings. Just not a whole lot of folks into planted tanks here in Houston so we just nerd out to plants on the side and trade off stems, mosses and cuttings for stuff we have wanted to try out
                In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                Desiderius Erasmus
                GHAC President


                • #9
                  I like your back in the game and looking forward to seeing what you have in mind. Let us know if there is something your after, not much for high tech plants, but we always have a few things that are tough to get. Saw Quoc talking about your tank on the FB group, LOL might even get him back into the game....
                  In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                  Desiderius Erasmus
                  GHAC President


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mnemenoi View Post
                    I like your back in the game and looking forward to seeing what you have in mind. Let us know if there is something your after, not much for high tech plants, but we always have a few things that are tough to get. Saw Quoc talking about your tank on the FB group, LOL might even get him back into the game....
                    I have big plans for the next tank. What all do you have? As far as plants I'm gonna keep it pretty simple. Lmao yeah he stopped by the house like last week or something. He might get back into the game


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mnemenoi View Post
                      They are basically on the same level for sure, T5's have a bit better penetration then PC do, but on that size tank depth its really doubtful that would come into play. You can try running it 10 hours, but our tanks get to be a swamp of algae running that photoperiod that long, perhaps you'll have better luck. Post some pics of the tank and we usually get together and trade plants at the GHAC meetings. Just not a whole lot of folks into planted tanks here in Houston so we just nerd out to plants on the side and trade off stems, mosses and cuttings for stuff we have wanted to try out
                      PC and T5HO are pretty close indeed. I would run 8 hours without injected CO2. Even on 10 hours you'll eventually run into algae issues with such intense lighting. Running all 4 bulbs is fine. I would personally run the lights as follows (This is just how I would do it. It's up to you if you want to do this)...

                      8:00-10:00am 2 bulbs
                      10:00-12:00pm 4 bulbs
                      12:00-4:00pm lights out
                      4:00-6:00pm 4 bulbs
                      6:00-8:00pm 2 bulbs
                      8:00-8:00am lights out


                      • #12
                        I agree with your photoperiod recommendation. As to what we have, we have a lot. All sorts of Anubias (even some micro which is crazy hard to find and get), lots of Hygros (Willow and Giant and some listed as 'blue', though think I'll be ditching it eventually) Lot of indica variants and stems, downoi and mosses, frogbit, lots of crypts, bucces, bolbitos. Then have the crazy magic 10 gallon and never know what your likely to find in there, always a surprise lol.
                        In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                        Desiderius Erasmus
                        GHAC President


                        • #13
                          Probably will get with you to pick up some plants once I have the new tank. Definitely want some downoi, but my current setup won't be so good for them. Any recommendations for aqua soil similar to ADA but without the pH buffer?


                          • #14
                            Eco-Complete, Flourite, we have really been digging the Flourite dark for its look and ease of working with various hardscapes. There is a decent Flourite black sand that handled stuff well. You could go with Fluval's stratum as its kinda weak and exhausts kinda quick and looks similar.
                            In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                            Desiderius Erasmus
                            GHAC President


                            • #15
                              Going for the same looks as ADA soil, but no buffer if possible. The fish I'm going with do well in our waters so no need to drop ph

