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Eco Complete vs Flourite Black Sand

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  • Eco Complete vs Flourite Black Sand

    I am finally ready to begin getting supplies to set up my next tank. it will be a planted tank, probably with shrimp and dario dario. some rock scaping as well.

    i heard recommendations for eco complete, and looking ion amazon, also came across fourite black sand from seachem for essentially the same price. i dont know if the brand for eco complete matters, but it was CaribSea.

    obviously the name Seachem resonates. i know they produce quality supplies. just wanted to see if there was a big difference between the two substrates and if people were familiar with each.


  • #2
    I've used em both and prefer the eco complete. Just the combination of the eco, flourish excel and C02 was amazing in my planted 55
    30G fowlr
    55G planted community
    30G corner Glo tank


    • #3
      However in a 10G crs tank a few years back I had the same over all excellent growth using the seacham and once I laid down the blasted gravel youon top you can tell much difference. So I've had success with both!
      30G fowlr
      55G planted community
      30G corner Glo tank


      • #4
        thanks for the feedback. this is a smaller tank. i forget the dimensions, but i would estimate around 10gal. its an open top. the back of the tank is taller than the front, so there is a curved cutout.

        just in pictures only looked like the seachem is finer grain. i never have been known to have a green thumb, so it will be more low light plants with a clip on LED light. use flourish excel with root tabs for good measure.

        i dont have a CO2 injection system


        • #5
          for the shrimp i am debating what type. i may do RCS, or blue velvet....i want something that stands out against the plants and substrate.

          the shrimp colony will get up and going first, so the dario dario have an abundant food source around with young shimp. i know they can be picky eaters initially and having it around at their leisure is good.
          Last edited by morpheus; 07-17-2015, 09:54 AM.


          • #6
            The seachem is a little finer, and for the CO2 I've been using the diy version for years. I know its not as affective but with the substrate, co2, flourish excel and yes also the root tabs it dose fine for me...I just go through alot of sugar lol
            30G fowlr
            55G planted community
            30G corner Glo tank


            • #7
              Java fern and java moss does really well in low to medium light
              30G fowlr
              55G planted community
              30G corner Glo tank


              • #8
                Originally posted by TattedUpFishGuy View Post
                Java fern and java moss does really well in low to medium light
                yeah i have one plant tank thats really no maintenance. has pea puffers and some amano shimp in it. lighting is only two 6500k CFL bulbs. it has things like anubias, java fern, needle fern, bolbitus, flame moss, java moss, wisteria...and some other plants people gave me that i dont know what they are. probably some type of crypts. tank could be greener since i ran out of excel a ways back, and there is duckweed that keeps blocking the light so i scoop it out a lot.

                my daughters tank that i use to grow out yellow lab fry has a ton of java moss right now with no special lighting


                • #9
                  Pea puffers are awesome!!!!
                  30G fowlr
                  55G planted community
                  30G corner Glo tank

