Hey 'box!! I'm new to live planted tanks, had fish for many tears. so, my tank has been set up for 6 months with live, broad leaf plants, don't know the full name, but they appear to be a sword of some variety. whats happens is the leaves lose their "membrane" and turn lace like, then brown. This is a very slow process over many weeks, I have no snails or anything that can be seen eating the leaves. Looking for educated guesses please!!
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New to live plants with issues
It would be helpful if you can provide some specs on your tank: tank size, filtration, lighting, substrate, inhabitant...010G Long fin BN grow-out
020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
020G Leulepi grow-out
020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
030G Leulepi breeder
030G SRD FlowerHorn
040G Hongi Sweden breeder
090G Tangs community
100G Tangs community
150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi
55 gal tank, 25 small angels, 15 small corys, 3 clown loaches. Pea gravel substrate, undergravel filter, no co2. I have used a liquid plant food weekly, not sure of the name as I'm at woek. 48" fluorescent lighting ( freshwater, two colors) I will try and post photos tonight of plant damage.
It might benefit you if you invest in some better lights, maybe t5ho or there is a new light called led lights, somebody else could give you more info on them. I would also try root tabs because they are in the substrate. Some plants get there nutrients from the water the plant you have get it better from the substrate.
~ I love my fish
I don't know if that is enough light? 55 gallon is not as high as a 90gal, but I still needed 3-6700 and 1 -color max. My tank is 4 ft long as well. I'm thinking about removing the color max and putting a 6700 so I could have a total of 4. Then the fish color would not be as pretty. I have the same plant you have. It is a sword plant, someone just told me they gobble up a lot of nutrients. I also put root tabs as well. My sword plant is doing good. Oh and I do have CO2 injection. When I use to have a setup like yours I could not do the sword plants. There is a lot of plants out there that don't need a lot of light, and they look very nice.
~ I love my fish