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Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) for algae control

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  • Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) for algae control

    If you are married to a blonde, you may already have good access to hydrogen peroxide...

    After reading much about the use of H2O2, I decided to try it to see the effect on algae. Three days ago when performing a 20 percent water change, some of the wood in my aquarium and the outtake tubes from my canister filters were exposed to air. Using a spray bottle containing 3% H2O2 (purchased in the spray bottle at CVS), I sprayed the outtake tubes and the algae exposed above the surface of the water. My chemistry background gave me confidence that this technique would be safe because the H2O2 would react with the water and produce oxygen gas.

    The next day, the outtake tubes were clean and the exposed wood were loaded with small bubbles. On the third day after spraying, I achieved about 80% algae control on the wood that was exposed (I missed some spots).

    I do not believe this technique should be used as a cure because it does not alleviate the cause. However, in my case, I am using H2O2 to help remedy the time that I did not use CO2. I am very happy with the results.

    Has anyone else used H202 to target algae?


  • #2
    Not yet, but I'm going to try it

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    • #3
      Can I spray it on my plants, if I take it out

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      • #4
        What about vinegar?

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        • #5
          During my next water change, I will take out a few bucephalandra and spray H202 directly on the lower leaves. I have seen videos where people sprayed plants and rocks under water but I am not sure the H2O2 will hit the targeted algae sites.



          • #6
            Yes I have seen that to. I m going to take it out and use a wide spray or must bottle. Try and save my one plant. It's a slow growing one so algae attacked it.

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            • #7
              I have to adjust my Co2 to fix this problem.

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              • #8
                Vinegar is not a good idea. It is an acid (acetic acid) that can lower the pH of the tank and does not dissociate into oxygen gas like H2O2. I don't have any data but vinegar could be toxic to fish.

                H2O2 is an oxidizer, which would be more effective and safe.


                Originally posted by Alex1 View Post
                What about vinegar?

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                • #9
                  Ok, just wondering, it's great to kill mold and a lot of older people use it for a lot of stuff

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                  • #10
                    The CO2 may substantially reduce algae growth but I am not sure it will eliminate the algae (like BBA) already growing on the plants. My plan is to spray a few of them and others I will just trim the most infected leaves. It is amazing but some of my bucephalandra put out two new leaves (still very tiny) in one week since setting up the CO2.


                    • #11
                      Yes I find that Co2 helps the plants greatly

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                      • #12
                        I have used hydrogen peroxide in tank several times before I had the tank stabilized. I turned off all filters and powerheads and used a large syringe to spray on the plants. It worked well enough. The biggest help was getting dwarf water lettuce to cover the side of the tank with the slow growing plants and cut my over all light cycle down. Haven't had an issue with it since.


                        • #13
                          iv seen youtube vids of people using it


                          • #14
                            I will check it out, thanks

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