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New plants

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  • New plants

    What procedure do you guys follow when adding plants to an established aquarium to avoid bringing in any pathogens/bacteria/etc? Someone told me to pour carbonated water and rinse it off after? Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    Copper dip

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    • #3
      If your plants are from a reputable store or successful hobbiest, then I snip off the bottom portion of stem and plant. Nothing but a good rinse in aquarium water in a container like a bowl. And throw that water away after rinsing. I look for snails or eggs, but I try to keep it simple and easy. Snails are near impossible to get rid of unless you spend hours, or dip. But if you dip them in anything, then you can transfer residue into aquarium (albeit in very minute doses).
      Snip + rinse + plant.

      Good luck.

      And what are you hoping to get rid of off plants before putting them in aquarium? Just curious.


      • #4
        Honestly I have no idea lol. I don't know anything about plants at all, but I want to give them a try. I know when using the same siphon on multiple tanks there's a chance that you can bring pathogens from one tank to the other. So I thought that same possibility existed since the plants are sitting in a LFS tank.


        • #5
          There is a chance, but I think if you give them the correct care you will be fine. And most plants will benefit your other aquarium inhabitants.
          Read all the info you can find on planted aquariums. It's a lot to absorb. But it gets easier the more you know.

          Good luck, and don't give up.


          • #6
            Originally posted by bamzam View Post
            Honestly I have no idea lol. I don't know anything about plants at all, but I want to give them a try. I know when using the same siphon on multiple tanks there's a chance that you can bring pathogens from one tank to the other. So I thought that same possibility existed since the plants are sitting in a LFS tank.
            If you are interested I have some lillys available :) . . . Nymphea sp.

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            • #7
              Thank you for the offer but I don't think those will survive in my tank since I keep my tank at 85 degrees lol. Right now I'm thinking a couple amazon swords and mayee some anubias?


              • #8
                Are there any pros and cons to packaged plants?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bamzam View Post
                  Thank you for the offer but I don't think those will survive in my tank since I keep my tank at 85 degrees lol. Right now I'm thinking a couple amazon swords and mayee some anubias?
                  Actually, they will lol. I keep mine at 80 now but it was at 86 when I had discus :)

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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bamzam View Post
                    Are there any pros and cons to packaged plants?
                    The tissues you get around here are garbage. But every now and then you get lucky. If you look at them make sure you look for new growth on the plants and a well developed root structure. Obviously if there is mold or a ton of melting don't by

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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lindsy.bounds View Post
                      Actually, they will lol. I keep mine at 80 now but it was at 86 when I had discus :)

                      Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
                      Oh nice! I did a quick Google search and the first thing that came up was recommending 70 degrees lol. I will keep this in mind for sure. Still doing my research on plants. My tank is pretty established and fish are healthy so I don't want to screw anything up lol


                      • #12
                        Definitely not but plants are awesome and your fish will love them!

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                        • #13
                          Best buys are from your fellow aquarists. I picked up a few stray snails but I keep my tank at a pH of 6.0 so they don't last long. Most tropical plants do better at a low pH but others are indifferent.


