I received my new lights last week put them on the tank and now I have hair algea growing out of control on my drifwood and java fern plants. Also now have green algea growing on my driftwood. My question is what fish can I get to eat this stuff? Chinese Algea Eater? or do you have another suggestion.
The light must be pretty good because I never had this problem before.
Now if only the plants would start to grow!
Here's how it went:
I put the new lights on the tank Thursday. (all glass triple tube) The new lights are on the same timer as the old lights. They come on at 7:00am and go off 8:30pm. Before the triple tube, I only had a singel tube light on the tank (flora glow tube light, I think). Should I shorten the time to 12 hours?
The light must be pretty good because I never had this problem before.

Here's how it went:
I put the new lights on the tank Thursday. (all glass triple tube) The new lights are on the same timer as the old lights. They come on at 7:00am and go off 8:30pm. Before the triple tube, I only had a singel tube light on the tank (flora glow tube light, I think). Should I shorten the time to 12 hours?