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  • supppp

    i'm new on this forum, though i've been on TPT, not active socially, but i am a cr33p3r and stalk those forums.
    i've known about this forum for a while, but i didnt know it had so many categories, until i actually made an account. i guess that "never judge a book by it's cover" thing goes for more than just books. it amazes me how many people in houston there are that are into planted tanks. i thought i was alone, or at least down here in the soufwest. any one know any good LFS, i know about: fish land, city pets, extreme fish n pets, fish gallery, t and t reptile and fish, and fish ranch (my friends uncle owns it! but i dont get discounts >:(  ]. i would like to know if there are any other good ones out there, because i probably wont feel accomplished without going to every single one. i'd also like to get cool plants and stuff but i'm only 16 and income, although some, is not enough to buy all the things i'd like for my tanks.  so what's YOUR favorite part of a planted tank, or any one (or more) of your tanks?!? sorry if this thread has already been started, but i'm trying not to be a cr33p3r on this forum and get to know people on here, so basically its a conversation starter.

    here are my tanks:

    29g LOW-tech (more "showy" than planted tank)
    lighting: 2x 20w lights (1 life-glo; 1 power-glo)
    substrate: gravel
    filtration: annoying Elite HUSH 55 HOB filter  :evil:
    CO2:  none :'(
    Plants: hygro angustifolia, Water sprite, 2 different kinds of swords don't know what kind, hornwort, java fern, l. repens., hornwort
    fauna: 5 mollies, 6 platies, 1 glass catfish, 2 bettas, 2 swordtails, 1 killie, 1 three spot gourami, 1 CAE.
    (although i might get rid of the killie because lately some of my fish have been missing fins, and i dont think its the gourami)
    Thing i like: it looks nice although the water sprite is all brown; NO ALGAE, or at least the annoying kind like thread or hair I'M SO GLAD.
    Things i don't like: water sprite >:(

    20 Long "mod-high" (?)
    lighting: 65w 10,000k current satelite
    substrate: eco-complete
    filtration: 2 HOB filters meant for 10 gallons (cheap cheap  :(  until i can find a better cheaper filter, say anyone have an eheim?   )
    CO2: DIY 2x2L coke bottles, 1/4tsp yeast, 2 cups suger, water, glass diffusor
    ferts: i have but do not use: excel, flourish, iron, nitrogen. I found the potassium and phosphorus at t&t for 7$ each wich is really cheap! so i will be getting the rest soon, then i'd have to figure out a dosing schedule, anyone willing to help because i have no clue what to do :/
    plants: HC, DHG, Cabomba, broad leaf stelata, baby tears, riccia, hygro angustifolia, 2 swords, anubias nana, and 2 other stem plants i dont know the name of
    fauna: 2 p. gertrudae females (LOOKING FOR MALES!) 2 p. furcatus (don't know gender), 1 beautiful female GBR!, 8 white clouds; I dont know what to do with them! i want to make this a p. gertrudae/furcatus tank with 5 or 6 of each species, and the GBR. but i really like the white clouds and don't what to throw them out! also hoping to put in 3 CPD.
    things i like: it looks nice, and is my first acctual attempt at a planted tank.
    Things i dislike: ALGAE: HAIR, FUZZ, IT'S EVERYWHERE! i wish the DHG and HC would hurry up in carpeting, although the DHG isnt looking too good, didnt look good when i first got it either.

    1.5 gallon
    i got this tank when i first started keeping fish, and was meant for keeping a pregnant platy i had, back then baby fish were such an excitement, still are, although i rarely see them. this is basically a tank that i threw in plants in to see if it would work.
    lighting: 60w desk light i just grabbed from a desk (don't know if its really 60w)
    fauna: 5 RCS, 1 platy fry i saved from the 29!
    diy co2, tahts been running for a month now and i really need to change... :/
    sand substrate
    plants: water sprite, l. repens, sword, bulbs i got from walmart, hornwort, java moss. 2 clippings from the stem plants in 20L
    no ferts.
    i hope to upgrade this to a 5.5 gallon soon with the 27w hapton bay lamp, but that means i'd need ferts. we'll see how things go!
    i WISH i could put CRS but theyre so expensive, even though they breed like rabbits  , maybe one day in the far future.
    things i like: i look at it at night before i go to sleep since its next to my bed and it relaxes me.
    things i dont like: small, no room to do much with, "cramped"

    i also have a 10g that used to house the GBR and White clouds. since then (july 14) i havn't done a water change, just put in a bunch of hornwort, put in little bits of riccia and placed HC ontop of hornwort to see if i can "accidentaly" grow it emmersed. sand substrate, only thing on is the air bubbles. this tank surprised me after it was "abandoned" because it was full of algae. i placed the hornwort in turned on the air bubble thing, and it all went away. well not all but a whole bunch of it. right now this tank is  basically a ramhorn snail condo, unintetnional, so if anyone wants food for their puffers PM me, i'd be more than happy to give them to you. the nitrites, and ammonia read 0 and nitrAtes are at 15-20 which really isn't that bad for a nonWC tank. the tank lights never go on although i do have a 20w flourecent set up on it. i dont know why i still have this up, its like an expirement tank that my parents really dont want but dont say anything about it.

    alright so now youve heared about my tanks, tell me bout yours!

  • #2
    Re: supppp

    Welcome to HFB!

    There's a lot of houstonians into planted tanks and some not far from you! As for LFS's you named about most that tender or have plants but here are some you did not list.

    Houston Aquarium Warehouse(owned/operated by a planted tank lover)

    Aquarium Design Group/, they have a superb showroom and carry ADA products.

    Also check out NASH which is Nature Aquarium Society of Houston. We are a local plant club.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: supppp

       You missed Megan's Tropical EMPORIUM 11665 fUQUA,
      Really nice people.
      'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
      He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


      • #4
        Re: supppp

        so glad your here.  

        you have beginnings of great things going on w/ those tanks.    

        did you check out GHAC - they are having an auction Sept 13th - if you might make it I will try to bring you a start of CRS if you remind me.     :?    looking for a great turnout w/ lots of stuff.      there's ameeting this Friday.   come & check it out !
        "There will come a time when you have a chance to do the right thing."
        "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by. "
        -Dead Man's Chest


        • #5
          Re: supppp

          welcome to the box.....nice tanks....


          • #6
            Re: supppp

            Welcome to The Box.

            What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

            Robert Anson Heinlein


            • #7
              Re: supppp

              Welcome to the box, I'd have to agree with Ek....Aquarium Warehouse is amazing.  
              Help support (C)atfish (A)nd (K)ool Pleco's; Houston's premier fish club
              Alexa Rae
              Co-President of CAK


              • #8
                Re: supppp

                thanks for the warm welcome! i'll see if i can go this friday just to check it out. i'd probably only go if i had a buddy so we'll see.

                eklikewhoa ill be sure to check out houston aquarium warehouse soon! it sounds cool, do they have fair prices?
                justdoit thank you! i'd be willing to pay something for them because i know (from observation) that it takes effort to raise shrimp, and i'd feel bad if i didnt at least contribute something. I'd also probably be able to go to that auction to check it out, just depends where it is.

                By the way my name is Luis. and no one answered my question  :wink:

