After the plant auction (and Eric Do presentation) I can home and tore out the substrate and planted a natural tank (topsoil, schultz aquatic, small gravel) Since it might not have gotten done and all those plants wasted, I demolished my tank and caused quite a mess.
My poor fish are in a 13g container and the HOB filter had an impeller malfunction. It's a Tetra T2 and it came with the tank. I'll go look for an impellor at Petsmartco, now, but I might just get a new filter and put the other one in a tupperware container and make my kitty a filtered water source so she stops drinking my tank water.
I measured the WC and calculated 18g after all the soil. Wow. So now what do I get when I go looking for a new filter? Aqua Clear HOB? Canister? DIY canister?
My poor fish are in a 13g container and the HOB filter had an impeller malfunction. It's a Tetra T2 and it came with the tank. I'll go look for an impellor at Petsmartco, now, but I might just get a new filter and put the other one in a tupperware container and make my kitty a filtered water source so she stops drinking my tank water.
I measured the WC and calculated 18g after all the soil. Wow. So now what do I get when I go looking for a new filter? Aqua Clear HOB? Canister? DIY canister?