after a good water cycle and getting everything together with the help from armthehomeless i have finally set up my planted zebra tank!
29gal with lots of plants that i cant remember the name of them all.
the tank will soon house a few zebra plecos
right now i have one candy stripe, two peckoltia, one albino bristle nose and 6 threadfin rainbows. the rainbows and albino plec along with a few of the plants came from mike over at sunny's. all the other plant and driftwood came from armthehomeless in a trade. hopefully everything will be perfect with the water so i can go ahead and have the zebras shipped to me and for that i will borrow a good camera to take pictures of but for now here's my camera phone again :)

thanks again armthehomeless for the plants, driftwood and the bit of education on the plants.
29gal with lots of plants that i cant remember the name of them all.

right now i have one candy stripe, two peckoltia, one albino bristle nose and 6 threadfin rainbows. the rainbows and albino plec along with a few of the plants came from mike over at sunny's. all the other plant and driftwood came from armthehomeless in a trade. hopefully everything will be perfect with the water so i can go ahead and have the zebras shipped to me and for that i will borrow a good camera to take pictures of but for now here's my camera phone again :)

thanks again armthehomeless for the plants, driftwood and the bit of education on the plants.