Re: Need Advice on a 20g Planted Tank
well, due to the fact that i am a wishy washy person, i have decided to make this a julie tank, i do have 3 10g, 1 of which will be setup tomarrow, i did a boat load of research last night,(til 4am
i have decided a 10g is enough to start.
i am using a corallife 20" 34watt compact flourescent,
black bkgd,
filtration will be:
hydro sponge filter,
plants will be:
10 micro swords,
6 java moss,
1x Crypt. wendtii(Bronze),
1x Crypt wendtii(green),
6x Corkscrew Vallensneria,
1x Pennywort,
and 3x Scarlett temple.
substrate will be seachem eco-complete,
decor will be 2x small pieces of gray petrified wood, and a small piece of driftwood i dont no what kind yet.
fish will be
6x thread finned rainbows,
6 cardinal tetras,
3x Pygmy Cories,
and 4x Oto Cats.
i would like to know if i should use an aquaclear 10 powerhead? just for circulation?
well, due to the fact that i am a wishy washy person, i have decided to make this a julie tank, i do have 3 10g, 1 of which will be setup tomarrow, i did a boat load of research last night,(til 4am
i have decided a 10g is enough to start.
i am using a corallife 20" 34watt compact flourescent,
black bkgd,
filtration will be:
hydro sponge filter,
plants will be:
10 micro swords,
6 java moss,
1x Crypt. wendtii(Bronze),
1x Crypt wendtii(green),
6x Corkscrew Vallensneria,
1x Pennywort,
and 3x Scarlett temple.
substrate will be seachem eco-complete,
decor will be 2x small pieces of gray petrified wood, and a small piece of driftwood i dont no what kind yet.
fish will be
6x thread finned rainbows,
6 cardinal tetras,
3x Pygmy Cories,
and 4x Oto Cats.
i would like to know if i should use an aquaclear 10 powerhead? just for circulation?