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Need Advice on a 20g Planted Tank

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  • #16
    Re: Need Advice on a 20g Planted Tank

    well, due to the fact that i am a wishy washy person, i have decided to make this a julie tank, i do have 3 10g, 1 of which will be setup tomarrow, i did a boat load of research last night,(til 4am )

    i have decided a 10g is enough to start.

    i am using a corallife 20" 34watt compact flourescent,

    black bkgd,

    filtration will be:
    hydro sponge filter,

    plants will be:
    10 micro swords,
    6 java moss,
    1x Crypt. wendtii(Bronze),
    1x Crypt wendtii(green),  
    6x Corkscrew Vallensneria,
    1x Pennywort,
    and 3x Scarlett temple.

    substrate will be seachem eco-complete,

    decor will be 2x small pieces of gray petrified wood, and a small piece of driftwood i dont no what kind yet.  

    fish will be
    6x thread finned rainbows,
    6 cardinal tetras,
    3x Pygmy Cories,
    and 4x Oto Cats.

    i would like to know if i should use an aquaclear 10 powerhead? just for circulation?

    55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


    • #17
      Re: Need Advice on a 20g Planted Tank

      8O  8O hmm, 10 micro swords still not a lot... it'll take a while for it to do a ground cover...  but with enough co2 it should send out lots of runners in no time...  and how in the world do u get 6 java moss???  don't tell me u take them apart and asked to buy only 6 pieces    8O  8O    and i think u should skip with the cardinal tetras and go with more pygmy cories...  few of them will die during the process of getting used to ur tank...
      i am not a big fan of using bubble powered sponge filters... unless ur connecting that to ur powerhead...  try not to break the water surface too much other then light-off time...


      • #18
        Re: Need Advice on a 20g Planted Tank

        oh, i would go with less oto cats... unless ur tank is well aged with tons of algae for them to feed on...


        • #19
          Re: Need Advice on a 20g Planted Tank

          yeah, i have done some reading, and have decided to make my 20g and 10g tang tanks  i really didnt realize how much
          s**t is really involved in this, i will add a few plants to each tank, but not doing an actual planted tank.
          FRENCH FRY!!!

          55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


          • #20
            Re: Need Advice on a 20g Planted Tank

            i just got some nice golfball sized java moss from FR for like 4 bucks or so or u can join plantedtank if you haven't yet, its got lots of plants for sale at any givin time...  if your not going to go with co2 (don't go with the diy, its crap and waste of time) then i would go with no more then 2wpg...  but that means the micro swords and the scarlett temple has to go too....  mine didn't do too well before dispeared forever after i stop using co2


            • #21
              Re: Need Advice on a 20g Planted Tank

              attach java fern or anubias  to ur driftwood... they would do just fine...  oh btw the crypt will meltdown and look like $hit while its trying to get used to ur aquarium/water (unless u got it from someone near you with same water type)  but just leave it alone, and it will be fine and nice lookin in a few month...   everything takes time in a planted tank, that is why i don't know if i can go without any live plants in any of my tank other then my turtle tank...

