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20L Journal

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  • 20L Journal


    tis a journal I started this around July 20. I was a noob but I've learned a lot from reading online and such.
    2x 10 gallon HOB filters (cheap-o)
    1x 65w 10K Current PC light
    1x 20 gallon long fish tank
    1x powerhead
    1x 10lb CO2 diffused through glass diffusor
    1x heater

    2 German Blue Rams
    5 Pseudomugil Gertrudae
    1 Pseudomugil Furcatus
    2 White Cloud Mountain Minnow
    4 Threadfin Rainbows
    3 Otos
    2 Amanos
    (?) Tiger shrimp (don't know if still alive, havn't seen them)

    Dwarf Hairgrass
    Blyxa Japonica
    L. Aromatica
    Corkscrew Val
    R. Rotundifolia
    L. Repens
    some sorts of hygro, sword, other hygro like plant i dont know.









    12/15/08 - Recent

  • #2
    Re: 20L Journal

    Really nice progression!
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: 20L Journal

      Your aquarium ia absolutely beautiful.  I loved watching your progress as the the plants grew and you moved them around.  

      I'm planning a planted tank as soon as my cichlids get a little bigger and I move them from their 29g grow out tank to a 125g.

      Thanks for sharing...  :)


      • #4
        Re: 20L Journal

        i agree i like the progressive picture/slideshow . looks good and healthy you must have a green thumb.
        25g - Reef
        3.5g - Surge Tank
        10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


        • #5
          Re: 20L Journal

          thank yall so much for the kind words :]

          the sword in this tank has gotten pretty hugge so it's time for a rescape and i'm hoping it will be the best one so far.
          I have it all planned out and have most of what i need but i'm still missing a couple of things.

          my next update will probably be wheneever i rescape it.


          • #6
            Re: 20L Journal

            nice tank, is that where the rcs went to?


            • #7
              Re: 20L Journal

              No theeyre in my 5.5 but once I rescape I'm hoping to put a berried female or a pair in there. I did see some babies last night though! And I have a couple more berried females I'm hoping some will berry again :/
              My friend had some female tiger shrimp and I think I have a male somewhere in this tank and if I do were gonna put them together do they can hopefully breed. :3
              Then I will have masses of shrimp >


              • #8
                Re: 20L Journal

                thats cool, the 10+ female i give you is all berried, i am sure at less babies from 5 of them will make it, for some reason all my females berried at the same time, it happens about once every 2 months, then the older shrimp dies and gets replaced with younglins...  i can't decide to go with 4 20L tanks or 6 10gs for my shrimp rack... going over to home depot/lowes/ace to check out their gorilla shelf...


                • #9
                  lol so many tanks seems like a lot of work.
                  I acctually have at least 5 berried females, and some of them are huge and full of babies! I think what i was missing were males, so thank you!

                  update on tank---
                  it's a jungle, i havn't done anything to it *trim *ferts
                  i cut back some stems just so some light could go through to the lower plants. its crazy. I still havn't gotten what i'm looking for. I think i'm going to order an eheim 2213 from bigals as well as change my lighting to:

                  Coralife F/W T-5 Aqualight Double Strip Light-30"

                  The Coralife F/W Aqualight T-5 is a double lamp fixture ideal for freshwater and planted aquariums. Includes one Colormax Full Spectrum and one 6700K T-5 (5/8 diameter) fluorescent lamp. Features an on/off switch, a built in electronic ballast, sleek black aluminum housing, a highly polished reflector, acrylic lens cover and adjustable width tank mounts. T-5 lamps are 18 watts each.

                  if i get two of those does that mean i have 72 watts total? or only 36?
                  I don't know, i know i want high lighting though.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lachupacabra View Post
                    lol so many tanks seems like a lot of work.
                    I acctually have at least 5 berried females, and some of them are huge and full of babies! I think what i was missing were males, so thank you!
                    i think the other female might have drop their egg or maybe they werent fert. at all... it happens when they go in new tank...


                    • #11
                      18 each with 2 bulb of t5 = 36w total... seens expensive to get 2 of those setup...


                      • #12

                        It's complete chaos :I
                        I should get my filter in tomorrow. so either setting it up tomorrow or this weekend.
                        kinda scared to remove everything just because it's going to be a big mess

                        Oh and my male ram is really washed out. I don't know what happened i thought it was maybe because i really only look at the tank at night so he does that to sleep. But today as i was doing a water change i noticed he's still washed out. Maybe it's from the shadows of the plants? because he wasn't like this a couple of weeks ago.
                        Last edited by lachupacabra; 02-01-2009, 11:37 PM.


                        • #13
                          something is wrong with the ram, its not the sleeping or shadow
                          65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
                          55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
                          30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

                          live and let live


                          • #14

                            Did the redcaps about a week ago. Kinda don't like the idea of a sand river anymore because now I have to be extra careful when refilling the tank. The aquasoil killed of all and any blyxa japonica I had which is really upsetting because it was supposed to be a big part of the layout. I don't know when I'll be able to rplace that. I'm surprised the hairgrass hasn't melted! But that's good! I havnt been doing daily water changes, just bidaily which is probably why the plants died, ghad! It's such a hassle to do it every day. D:

                            The fish are all in a heavy planted 10g for now. The rams basically own the right side and all other fish live on the left. The rams did spawn! But no fry my water is too hard :(

                            also got 7 CRS and 4 CBS from dan at HAW! I really hope they don't die in my water and breed! As far as the tiger shrimp, they all died probably due to stress and bad acclimation. I was able to save one but she is sick and will probably die.

                            The male GBR got all his color back when he switched to the 10g I don't know why but I'm glad he does t look sick.

                            I have amazing pictures I just havnt had the time to upload them. Probably will tomorrow! Sorry if this is kind of blah, I'm on my phone and it's somewhat laggy.


                            • #15
                              congrats on ram spawn, waiting on pix of rescape and spawn
                              65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
                              55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
                              30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

                              live and let live

