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? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

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  • ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

    i have a few ?'s.

    i just got 2x 20lb. bags of Seachem Eco-Complete Planted Tank Substrate,
    i want to put this in my 2x 10g tanks.
    they will be planted tanks.

    My? is -
    how much does each tank need?  
    also what do i have to do to this substrate?
    do i rinse it like any other substrate?
    also if its in a planted tank, do i still need to vacum it regularly?
    thanx for your help

    55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'

  • #2
    Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

    -However much you want... usually 2-4"
    -Nothing, just pour it in.
    -No rinsing.
    -I never vacuum... only siphon right above it to collect detritus.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

      cool tanx :)
      i will get started adding it to the tank
      do have to let it cycle,and do i need to add a few cycle fish?
      FRENCH FRY!!!

      55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


      • #4
        Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

        I would leave it on it's own... it will probably spike KH along with some other parameters which is detrimental to fish.... never felt the need to use fish to cycle seeing as though it's a crap method cause no one thinks about the end bio-load a single cycle fish has to provide for.
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

          well, the substate has been added to the first 10g
          also while i was adding my substrate my 20" 28watt CoralLife CF came
          looks like the beginning of a great day  

          can i add my plants right now? or should i let it stay like it is for a few hours/days?
          FRENCH FRY!!!

          55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


          • #6
            Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

            Depending on the plants... some don't take well to the fluctuations and will melt but for the most part it's suggested you plant everything from the get go.

            Also plant dry as it makes it much easier for placement
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #7
              Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

              "Also plant dry as it makes it much easier for placement"

              8O  i sorta already filled it  
              i am so freakin impacient  
              the plants i have are Water Onions.
              i was thinking of adding a Crypt. Wendtii 'Green' or a Crypt. Lutea.
              i am getting some Java Moss this weekend
              i will add some to each tank
              FRENCH FRY!!!

              55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


              • #8
                Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

                oh, and i also want some Hygrofila(sp?) and some Rotala Indicita(sp?).
                FRENCH FRY!!!

                55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


                • #9
                  Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

                  The Crypts will most likely melt...
                  700g Mini-Monster tank


                  • #10
                    Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

                    will the onion plants be ok?
                    and how long should i wait to put in the crypts?
                    FRENCH FRY!!!

                    55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


                    • #11
                      Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

                      The crypts will melt either way if they are...

                      I have never really bothered with "onion" plants.
                      700g Mini-Monster tank


                      • #12
                        Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

                        i just read that when you add crypts to your tank, they will melt if they are not kept in near identical water parameters. but that they will begin to grow back once they become used to the new water parameters.

                        is this what you were meaning when you said they will mealt either way?
                        FRENCH FRY!!!

                        55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


                        • #13
                          Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • #14
                            Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

                            ek, thanx for all of your help :)  do you no any good websites that i can get this info from, so i dont have to keep buggin you?
                            FRENCH FRY!!!

                            55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


                            • #15
                              Re: ? about Seachem Eco-Complete Plant Substrate

                              700g Mini-Monster tank

