this is my first go at a planted tank.
here is a couple pics of the setup,
its not quite finished yet, a few plants left i want :wink:
Tank Specs -
Standard 10G made by Aquariun
Lighting -
1x 20" CoralLife 28watt Compact Flourescent running a 28watt 10,000K CF bulb
Filtration -
1x Tetra EX45 Powerfilter(240GPH)
Substrate -
20lbs. of Seachem Eco-Complete Planted Tank Substrate (~3" bed)
Decor -
2x Small Pieces of Driftwood
3x Small Pieces of Seiyru Seiki Stones
Plants -
2x Patches of Java Moss
2x Rotala Indicita
3x Grouping of Unknown Rotala Species
1x Cryptocorone Lucens
3x Cryptocorone Wendtii 'Red'
Tank Pic 1

Full Shot of Setup

Fish -
1x Tetraodon erythrotaenia (Red Lined Puffer) about 1"tl.
Puffer Pic 1 -

Puffer Pic 2 -
here is a couple pics of the setup,
its not quite finished yet, a few plants left i want :wink:
Tank Specs -
Standard 10G made by Aquariun
Lighting -
1x 20" CoralLife 28watt Compact Flourescent running a 28watt 10,000K CF bulb
Filtration -
1x Tetra EX45 Powerfilter(240GPH)
Substrate -
20lbs. of Seachem Eco-Complete Planted Tank Substrate (~3" bed)
Decor -
2x Small Pieces of Driftwood
3x Small Pieces of Seiyru Seiki Stones
Plants -
2x Patches of Java Moss
2x Rotala Indicita
3x Grouping of Unknown Rotala Species
1x Cryptocorone Lucens
3x Cryptocorone Wendtii 'Red'
Tank Pic 1

Full Shot of Setup

Fish -
1x Tetraodon erythrotaenia (Red Lined Puffer) about 1"tl.
Puffer Pic 1 -

Puffer Pic 2 -
