I wanted some easy plants for my 10 gallon freshwater with gravel, no fertilizer, and no CO2. Obviously, I'm not expecting much of a planted tank. I purchased some Monde Grass and some kind of broad leaf anubias, I think. They're not doing too hot. The leaves on the anubias are becoming transparent. Can anyone advise me on what I might be doing wrong?
When I put them in my tank, I removed the steel wool around their roots and I think the way in which I did it caused considerable damage. Are you supposed to remove this steel wool?
I'm keeping two dwarf puffers, two otocinclus catfish, and three sidthimunki loaches in there. Everything is under 1", the dwarf puffers are even smaller. I'm feeding 1/4 cube bloodworms and a single algae wafer a day.
The bulb I'm using for light is 13 watt (60-watt equivalent) 12 hours a day. The filter is Fluval 2 Plus and the heater is set to 78F, Marineland Visitherm 50 Watt.
When I put them in my tank, I removed the steel wool around their roots and I think the way in which I did it caused considerable damage. Are you supposed to remove this steel wool?
I'm keeping two dwarf puffers, two otocinclus catfish, and three sidthimunki loaches in there. Everything is under 1", the dwarf puffers are even smaller. I'm feeding 1/4 cube bloodworms and a single algae wafer a day.
The bulb I'm using for light is 13 watt (60-watt equivalent) 12 hours a day. The filter is Fluval 2 Plus and the heater is set to 78F, Marineland Visitherm 50 Watt.