I've been away from the Box for a while and have no idea what happened to the planted tanks forum. While doing a long-overdue water change on my 20g planted tank earlier, I got to thinking about substrates and wondered what everyone's preferences are. In the interest of adding a new thread to this horribly thinned-out section of the forums, let's hear everyone's thoughts on substrates for planted tanks.
If you ask around enough, you'll hear everything from gravel to sand and backyard dirt to specially produced (and often expensive) bags of substrate you can buy at the store.
Personally, I'm stubborn and want my playsand to work. I've had limited success with it in the past, most notably with lillies, though my success is not always reproducible. Obvious issues with playsand involve lack of nutrients, compaction, lack of aeration, and ultimately "dead zones" within the substrate. I still think this can be (and is) a viable substrate, though it is not without its issues. I just wish I could make it work for me more of the time.
If you ask around enough, you'll hear everything from gravel to sand and backyard dirt to specially produced (and often expensive) bags of substrate you can buy at the store.
Personally, I'm stubborn and want my playsand to work. I've had limited success with it in the past, most notably with lillies, though my success is not always reproducible. Obvious issues with playsand involve lack of nutrients, compaction, lack of aeration, and ultimately "dead zones" within the substrate. I still think this can be (and is) a viable substrate, though it is not without its issues. I just wish I could make it work for me more of the time.