hi everybody! I stumbled onto this website by sheer luck and I am absolutely BLOWN AWAY by your awesome community of fish keepers. I am starting out a 55 gallon freshwater tank and really would appreciate your advice. Never did keep a planted tank successfully before, with the exception of the backyard pond I had growing up in Vietnam as a kid - and man that was a beautiful pond with all kinds of plants, rocks, fancy guppies, mollies, angel fish, snails, even some watersnakes and so clear you can see the bottom.
anyway i am starting from scratch with nothing but the 55 gal aquarium and would like your input as to the types of plants, fish, where to buy them, etc... and if any of you have them for sell or give away please let me know as well. i am at vhn7r at yahoo dot com
thanks. - van, midtown houston.
anyway i am starting from scratch with nothing but the 55 gal aquarium and would like your input as to the types of plants, fish, where to buy them, etc... and if any of you have them for sell or give away please let me know as well. i am at vhn7r at yahoo dot com
thanks. - van, midtown houston.