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New Journal : 75g planted nano tank

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  • #16
    love the pygmy cories... perfect for a nano setup cleaning crue
    65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
    55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
    30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

    live and let live


    • #17
      Yea, HAW had a lot of pygmy cories that I was checking out.... they're so tiny!

      Update on the tank-

      I now have water in it, and doing daily 50% water changes. They weren't joking about the ammonia and ph drop that aquasoil causes! The driftwood is almost sinking and I've been studying up on nature aquarium aquascaping and plant types Id like to use.


      • #18
        so what plants have you decided on? yes.. those are small, they grow a little bigger than that, they look awesome in a group and i think it will go perfectly with boraras and tetras, i can't wait to see your setup full swing, one thing i would say is don't get too many kinds of tetras/boraras, i would say two or max three kinds, if you get too many types... it loses the big shoal affect (imo)
        65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
        55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
        30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

        live and let live


        • #19
          Originally posted by finfan View Post
          so what plants have you decided on? yes.. those are small, they grow a little bigger than that, they look awesome in a group and i think it will go perfectly with boraras and tetras, i can't wait to see your setup full swing, one thing i would say is don't get too many kinds of tetras/boraras, i would say two or max three kinds, if you get too many types... it loses the big shoal affect (imo)
          Were you talking about the rainbowfish?

          As for plants, so far I'm thinking java moss, flame moss (if i can get my hands on it), val. nanas, crypts, rotalla wallichi, maybe some dwarf hairgrass. I'm still digging!

          as for the number of fish, I agree about having too many types. I'm thinking about a huge shoal of the smallest and most colorful that occupy the middle/top, small group of another type that may be larger, and schools of ocats and pygmy cories....and an assortment of shrimp. There will be a lot of activity... just have to get a little closer to see it :)


          • #20
            no, i was not talking about the dwarf rainbows, imho they are not really for what you are trying to accomplish... a nano setup, they are nice and i like them, but definitely not small enough, i was talking about pygmy cories

            your plants sound good, i am partial to dwarf hairgrass, i would be careful with val nana's, i had two strands that took over the aquarium very fast (same footprint as your 75gallon), it was hard to contain and shoots went all over the tank (see my ada 120p journal)
            65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
            55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
            30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

            live and let live


            • #21
              Almost there... I have some plants in the tank. Some plants are on order and I haven't made up my moss rocks just yet. My other pieces of wood are outside weighted down in a tub - they still will not sink :evil:

              There will be a long wait for everything to grow out! Also, it looks like a few of my crypts are melting....turning into goo.

              The closeup shot is of my Flame Moss... can't wait for that to grow out!
              Attached Files


              • #22
                if its possible to boil your wood then it will help it sink faster(at least mine sunk after i boiled it straight away).

                Looks good. Keep us updated


                • #23
                  bedward... looking sweeeet.... i am loving what you did with the driftwood... very very nice touch.... good design/concept
                  65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
                  55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
                  30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

                  live and let live


                  • #24
                    Thanks Fin. I think it'll look even better with the other wood in there, and when the plants start to crowd the "path"


                    • #25
                      very nice moss i really like the stuff whats the word on fish cough *galaxy rasbora* cough
                      altums 90 gallon
                      fahaka puffer 68
                      community 60 cube

                      can't find it make it
                      can find it make it better


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by schance View Post
                        very nice moss i really like the stuff whats the word on fish cough *galaxy rasbora* cough
                        Heh - another great idea. Probably couldn't hurt to have a few of those guys. I'm still thinking that my main shoal will be Boraras, unless I find something as small and colorful that schools better.


                        • #27
                          IMO the rummy nose and rasboras actually "school"
                          the best. cardinals always look good but only have the school efect so much that and barbs but they get kinda big and it can get annoying keeping them.
                          altums 90 gallon
                          fahaka puffer 68
                          community 60 cube

                          can't find it make it
                          can find it make it better


                          • #28
                            I do plan on getting some emerald eye rasboras.. they're They appear to school nicely as well.


                            • #29
                              I like the light & dark substrate combo... makes it look like two lslands in the sea!


                              • #30
                                imo rummynoses are too big for a nano effect... and everyone has done it before... i think your original plan of only having nano species is unique and cool.... just my 2 cents.... another nano species to consider to add variety... badis badis... very little... kind of like a nano cichlid (i know they are not cichlids, but they act like them) and they are awesome looking and very small
                                65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
                                55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
                                30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

                                live and let live

