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Freshwater Puffer Information (What kind of puffer can I have?) Part 1

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  • Freshwater Puffer Information (What kind of puffer can I have?) Part 1

    This seems to be a popular question. Here are some suggestions:
    Freshwater Puffers
    Freshwater 3-5 Gallons

    Carinotetraodon travancoricus (dwarf, pygmy, Indian puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -82.5 F, PH: 6.5 - 7.2
    Estimated Lifespan: 5 or more years
    Max. Size: 1 inch
    Temperament: peaceful, will nip fish fins and invertabrates.

    Owned by: APOCRAPHYA ( member)

    Freshwater 15 Gallons

    Colomesus asellus ( South American Puffer, SAP, Amazon Puffer, Brazilian Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 - 80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: 10 or more years
    Max. Size: 3 inch
    Temperament: Active Hunter, can be kept with same species in the proper sized tank.
    Special care: Requires teeth trimming every 3-5 months.

    Owned by: Puffertt77 (pufferforum member)

    Freshwater 20 Gallons

    Auriglobus modestus (Bronze Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: 10 or more years
    Max. Size: 4"
    Temperament: Active, Aggressive, can be kept with other fish, use caution.

    Owned by: imagirlgeek

    Auriglobus Silus (Golden Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 76 -82 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: 7 or more years
    Max. Size: 3"
    Temperament: Active, Aggressive, can be kept with other fish, use caution.

    Carinotetraodon Irrubesco (Red Tailed Redeye Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 76 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 2"
    Temperament: Active after dark, Aggressive, can also be timid depding on individual. Have been
    known to breed in captavity.
    Female C. Irrubesco

    Juvenile Male C.Irrubesco

    Owned by: mysifier (pufferforum member)

    Carinotetraodon lorteti (lorteti)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 75 -82 F, PH: 6.5 - 7.0
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 3"
    Temperament: Active, Aggressive, can be kept in pairs with caution.

    Left photo:Female, Right photo Female bottom left, Male top right.
    Owned by: Redspotter (pufferforum member)

    Carinotetraodon Salivator (Striped Redeye Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 2"
    Temperament: Active after dark, Aggressive. Have been known to breed in captavity.

    Monotrete Cochinchinensis (Fangs Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 3"
    Temperament: Extremely aggressive, will kill anything in site. No tank mates.

    Monotrete Turgidus (Brown Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 6"
    Temperament: Aggressive, best kept alone.

    Owned by: Steven Baltzell, R.N. (aka: Dadof4 thepufferforum member)

    Tetraodon cutcutia (common puffer )
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 4"
    Temperament: Hunter, inactive, agressive to same species and others. Best kept alone.

    Owned by: Redspotter (pufferforum member)

    Tetraodon duboisi (Dubois puffer) 3.5" (Lurker)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 3.5"
    Temperament: Very aggressive, Lurker, best kept alone.

    Freshwater 25 Gallons

    Monotrete Abei (Abei Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 4"
    Temperament: Hunter, active in the evening, very aggressive, best kept alone.

    Monotrete Baileyi (Hairy Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 5"
    Temperament: Lurker, agressive, low level of activity. Best kept alone.

    Owned by: Redspotter(pufferforum member)

    Owned by: Redspotter(pufferforum member)

    Freshwater 30 Gallons

    Monotrete Cambodgiensis (Cambodia Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 6"
    Temperament: Agressive, hunter, active after dark. Best kept alone.

    Monotrete suvattii (Arrowhead Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 6"
    Temperament: Agressive, lurker not very active. Best kept alone.

    Owned by:razornova (thepufferforum member)

    Tetraodon miurus (Congo puffer) (Lurker comes in several different colors. If you see a red one get it!)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 6"
    Temperament: Very aggressive, will attack anything in sight. Keep alone.

    Owned by: Pufferpunk (thepufferforum Queen Administrator)

    Freshwater 40 Gallons

    Monotrete Palembangensis (Palembang Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 7.5 - 8.5
    Estimated Lifespan: Unknown
    Max. Size: 8"
    Temperament: Semi lurker, not overly aggressive, have been known to breed in home aquaria.
    Not very active.

    Owned by: Redspotter(pufferforum member)

    Tetraodon Sabahensis (Giant Spotted Puffer ) (Not to be confused with GSP's)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 7.5 - 8.2
    Estimated Lifespan: 15 or more years
    Max. Size: 6"
    Temperament: Very interactive with owner. Aggressive, should be kept alone.

    Owned by: big (pufferforum member) currently keeping this species in bracksih water
    at 1.008. Little is know about this puffer.

    Freshwater 120 Gallons

    Tetraodon lineatus (Fahaka Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: 10 or more years
    Max. Size: 18"
    Temperament: Very aggressive, does not play well with others. There has been some sucess with
    other fish. Not recommended.

    Owned by edmlfc

    Freshwater 1000 Gallons

    Tetraodon mbu (Mbu Puffer)
    Water Parameters: Temp: 74 -80 F, PH: 6.0 - 7.8
    Estimated Lifespan: 10 or more years
    Max. Size: 26"
    Temperament: Peaceful, sociable, can be kept with other fish. Do not keep with same species.
    Baby Mbu:

    Owned by: Puffertt77 (pufferforum member)
    Last edited by edmlfc; 03-20-2009, 07:07 PM.
    A house without a puffer is not a Home.

  • #2
    I'm going to post pictures or try to post pictures of each puffer.
    A house without a puffer is not a Home.


    • #3
      My dwarf puffer is super spoiled.. shes got a 20g all to herself.


      • #4
        i got couple vids of porcupine puffer... i was feeding it some octopus while i was working at kona grill in sugar land a few years back...


        • #5
          If you like you can post your videos here. I'm basically looking for pictures to add to the name.

          Originally posted by mahoro View Post
          i got couple vids of porcupine puffer... i was feeding it some octopus while i was working at kona grill in sugar land a few years back...
          A house without a puffer is not a Home.


          • #6
            i also got a vid where the puffer is all puffed up and puffing down... but its on a half dead razr... lol


            • #7
              Sorry guys I had to split this into three sections. We now have Freshwater puffer Information, Brackish water puffer information and saltwater puffer information. Hope this makes things easier and less confusing.
              A house without a puffer is not a Home.


              • #8
                i will be getting a 29 gal tank soon. which puffers would you recommend to a beginning puffer keeper: Dwarf, South American, or Red-eyed Redtail?
                just keep swimming, just keep swimming...


                • #9
                  This is awesome I have a 3 gal marine land tank and have been looking into what happens when my betta passes thank for the post!

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  • #10
                    I'm going to respectfully disagree about mbu puffers. I've seen 2'+ in smaller tanks (240g) that were exceptionally healthy.
                    20g mixed reef

