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Is there any place that sells Green Spotted Puffers

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  • Is there any place that sells Green Spotted Puffers

    Is there any places in houston that has green spotted puffer fish? and is there any other brackish water puffers?

  • #2
    I know this may not be exactly what you're looking for, but Walmart always has some little green spotted and figure 8 puffers for sale. They are usually around $6 and God knows they need a good home. If not, check Fish Ranch. They have a whole aisle of Puffers if I remember correctly. Good luck
    If it ain't wild caught
    You ain't doing it right


    • #3
      I gave up on the ones from Walmart after my third or fourth one. I lost count. I even returned one of them when he died after less than a week which ticked off the lady at the customer service counter. I think her exact words were "Take your fish and throw it outside!"
      135 gal Fahaka Puffer
      150 gal Threadfin Acaras, Angels, Red Spotted Severum, Gold Severum, and a Silver Dollar
      185 gal Demasoni, Yellow Labs, Venustus, Rustys, Plecos, Clown Loaches, and Sharks


      • #4
        Fondren Fish 'N' Pets and Xtreme Fish and Pets have them occasionally.
        PLECOS SUCK!


        • #5
          Houston Aquatics in the Heights has a bunch right now.
          PLECOS SUCK!


          • #6
            GSP's are not a brackish fish. They are brackish as juveniles but need full salt as adults. Look for a Figure 8 puffer. I used to have one and they are cute as can be with a great personality. Be prepared to keep it by itself, becasue they are very aggresive. I tried a couple of tank mates and it was not pretty.


            • #7
              fish n pets unlimited has em, so does tnt


              • #8
                Extreme pets in Bellaire has a group of 4 inch sub- adults. They are very robust (I nearly took them home last week). They are in freshwater, however daviesri is absolutely correct, they start brackish but do best as adults in marine enviroment ( I've kept them SPG around 1.016-1.023, others suggest 1.015). Some will do ok in freshwater. I had a friend with 6 inch adults in a 150 gal pure freshwater with about 30 giant danios as dithers. They are highly aggressive, but each will have it's own personality. Stay clear of Walmart puffers (they are usually sick, fed on an improper diet). Puffers need fresh foods and foods with hard chiton shells in their diet (such as found in shrimp and insects). They place a high bioload on the tank, so aeriation and filtration is key, along with water changes. They also BITE. There is a site . It may help you with some basics, they also have suggested water parameters.
                Emerald Green Rainbowfish
                Yellow Rabbit Snails


                • #9
                  Im pretty sure I saw some the other day at HAW. give dustin a call first though.
                  ADA mini-m planted
                  ADA mini-m riparium
                  ADA 30-C nano reef
                  ADA 90-P community Tanganyikan
                  ADA 120-p overflow Full reef in progress
                  Eheim 90cm SA biotope
                  110g Peacocks


                  • #10
                    I saw some large puffers at fish gallery about a month ago. Not sure what kind they were because I am not to familar with puffers but I know they were in tanks with other fresh water fish and these seemed to be large adults. They were about 10 to 12 inches long and were going for around 300 bucks or so.
                    46 gallon bow front
                    Grow Out Cichlid tank

                    240 gallon long
                    Community SA/CA/African Cichlid (we will see how it works out....)


                    • #11
                      Humble TX

                      Blue Reef Aquatics in Humble had some last week.


                      • #12
                        the puffers at fish gallery were probably mbu puffers i visited them several times recently to see them in stock

