can it work, or will they fight?
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2 gsp in one tank
I know this isn't a great answer, but it's really going to depend on the individual puffers. I wouldn't put more than one in a small tank, and if you decide to give it a shot, make sure you keep an eye on them. Even if they get along, they can definitely turn on one another at any time.Our Fishhouse
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I have 7 Green Spotted Puffers in a 37 gal tank, along with a few Archer Fish and a pleco. The puffers range in size from 1.5 inches to 4-5 inches (bigger ones a couple of years old). I keep them well fed and they usually behave. I have never seen aggression between the puffer fish and the Archer Fish are fast enough to stay out of the way. If I am late in feeding them, I have seen them go after the pleco, who is luckily built like a tank. I have given my puffers feeder fish and have witnessed how aggressive they can get. I also gave them a fiddler crab once, that didn't last very long. They love frozen blood worms and each has it's own distinct personalities. The big ones will even hiss at the surface of the water to let the smaller fish know they get first dibs at feeding time. They will also splash at night when I turn off the lights.
I've kept multipe GSP 15 + in a larger tank when they were small. With multiple individuals it's hard for one to keep targeting the same fish. They get about 5 inches and should be housed in a large tank due to the bioload. If you put only 2 in the same tank , it will end with only ONE. However every individual GSP will have it's own "thang". Some are more aggressive. Some are very passive. I had one that would swim round and round in cricles when I approache dthe tank.
I had one friend who placed giant danios (30+) as dithers in a 150 with two adult 6 inch GSP. He taught me how to keep puffers. It looked like something out of an open ocean scene from National Geographics. This was the only pure fresh water tank he had for GSP.Emerald Green Rainbowfish
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