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REX the dwarf puffer fish!

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  • REX the dwarf puffer fish!

    10 gallon tank. I need plants to put in here.
    What type of plants would not over grow the tank, looking for broad leaf type plants and I'm gonna add some anubias once i find a sweet piece of driftwood.

  • #2
    hey just wondering, what kind of substrate are you using and what temperature are you keeping your puffer at?


    • #3
      FloraMax by CaribSea. Bought it off Amazon. Pretty cheap and looks good to me.
      Temp is at 80


      • #4
        oh, ok i'm thinking about mixing mine with neon tetras and just making it a heavily planted tank, seeing that they don't really get agresieve or bother others as long as they have s nice place to keep them buisy... i was only worried about the tetras need for lower temperatures but a lady that has kept them for a while with succes just told me she keeps it at around 76 so it should be an ok set up


        • #5
          I've kept a German ram and a male guppy in the tank with my puffer and the puffer was not scared of them at all nor did it attack/fin-nip the guppy or my ram. My tank isn't even planted at all, just small java ferns and dhg. I added crypt's today but like i said my puffer didn't mind the other temporary inhabitants at all.
          I've read about puffers with other fish before so i'm sure you can do it but actually trying it out is the only to find out if your puffer is compatible or not.


          • #6
            Thats pretty cool I dig the dwarf puffers and i'll probably get my mom a 15 gal tank with a few of em. Hows yours doing?
            Forget the dog.
            Beware of fish!


            • #7
              Dwarf Puffers are great!
              Mines the most adorable thing. It's getting used to knowing that i'm not someone to be scared of and starts coming to the glass more often.
              I can definitely notice a betta-like personality. Inspecting the entire tank for snails and every single leaf. Very smart fish and mine actually does well with other species in the tank.
              My girlfriend might keep a 5 gallon tank with a dwarf puffer b/c she thinks they're the cutest things.


              • #8
                heh yea i'm sure my mom would love em and they would relax her she loves how my daughters 10 gal is setup with mollies platys and guppies oh and i just got her a few zebra danios
                Forget the dog.
                Beware of fish!


                • #9
                  Dwarf puffers are great miniatures of the large ones. They even have the obnoxious personality. I kept about 5 in a 10gallon that was like a miniature jungle and they were still territorial to each other. I don't recommend getting many in the tank unless you are able to completely interrupt line of sight for the little monsters. Also, I was never able to get mine off of live food. They were fed snails, bloodworms, black worms and ghost shrimp. Pretty sweet tank! Congrats!! :)
                  Merritt Adkins
                  Science Adviser/Marine Biologist

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