Well ive had my fahaka for sometime now, its been though its share of tanks thats for sure. It started out in a 29g, then moved to a 75g, sold to a buddy as a necessity, bought back a month later and put into a 30L. I dont plan on ever selling it again, my girlfriend and I actually missed it lol. I purchased it back in April on a whim bc I had an empty tank and wanted to try freshwater. Probably the only fish I haven't gotten bored with, I think in part bc of how much personality these fish have. Im currently trying to train it on pellets and since starting that venture have noticed excellent growth, kinda wish I had started when it was younger. I got the idea from another box members thread, I stuff small bits of shrimp with nls. He hasn't accepted just plain nls yet but it'll happen if I keep on trying. Well here are a few pictures of it, one of it the day I got it and one from yesterday. The 30L its in now has 2 hob filters and a 2217, so I know I have plenty of filtration.
No announcement yet.
Nightster's fahaka puffer thread
Nice, I've had my Fahaka in a 55 gallon for about seven months, he's getting a little too big for it now. I would love to put him in my 360 gallon but I think he would kill my Dats, or Frontosas. If I find a great deal on something I'll get it.....420 Gallon: IT's, NGT's, NTT's, AT's, Cichla Pleizona, Bichirs, Blue Arowana, Spotted Gar, Clown Loaches
Looking really good man. Looks like plenty of room for a while. I'm about to move mine to my 150, once it's set up.
I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=29.531986,-95.157794ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ
Changed the wet/dry and overflow set up last night. Decided to do a major cleaning and water change, rearranged the scape too. I noticed too many little spots for debris to gather so I tried to make it more "flow" friendly. I think with the amount of flow I have in there nothing should settle on the sand bed, and my puffer gets a work out lol. Pics to come later today.20g mixed reef