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Who has a Mbu pufffer in a troph tank?

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  • Who has a Mbu pufffer in a troph tank?

    Wanted, aquarists who are having difficulty feeding their Mbu puffer in a troph tank. I have some fantastic ideas on how to build a novel contraption to target feed them, but first need some experience doing it before daring to offer suggestions online so as to gain some credibility. I'll supply all the materials you supply the puffer, trophs, tank and seafood. Volunteers please PM me to arrange a meeting.
    While I'm not reef ready, I am salt ernate lifestyle curious...

  • #2
    -Most people are scared to keep a puffer with any other fish which you can find out by seeing my fahaka with trophs thread.
    -Most people prize their trophs too much to keep a predator with them, search about every thread about throphs for this.
    -Most people would get butthurt about someone sacrificing one species' well being for another.
    -I honestly don't have much of a problem as you make it out to be as stated in the thread you linked since I stated that I just overfeed the tank so the puffer gets his food.
    -You've provided suggestions for more work and a tacky contraption to do so with.
    -You've kept neither so I commend you for trying but if you have had personal experience with either you could probably gather how your idea might be tedious.
    -In all honestly I have both species covered, if the puffer can't gather food I hand feed to it there are tons of tropheus fry he can munch on to survive. but since the mbu does eat I just overfeed the tank so he can get a portion of food and while at it the tropheus get a more varied diet and further shows that tropheus are pretty much bulletproof and can eat whatever in an ideal situation.
    -Now if the puffer cannot manage to gather food fed to it or survive through the consumption of tropheus fry then it obviously deserves to die a slow death as it would have not been able to survive in the wild.

    If you find someone with a problem feeding their puffer in the situation similar or identical to mine it would be great information for those that find the need.
    Last edited by eklikewhoa; 04-27-2012, 01:39 AM.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Oh, and to resolve any further issues with feeding, you can over feed large snails and crawfish which the MBU has no problem scarfing down seeing as though none of the other fish are equipped to break through to the meat.

      Another route to go with that does not involve a tacky contraption.

      If you have any ideas to somehow introduce this contraption without further stressing out the fish or create more clutter please do share.
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #4
        Thank you for your reply to my thread.

        As to clutter the contraption would only be deployed for feeding then removed from the tank and put away. As to tacky, the prototypes will have to be made from cheap plastics for economy, ease of modification and ready availability of materials. I suppose if the most effective design was settled on through experimentation a more aesthetically pleasing material could be sourced for the finished model. As for not stressing the fish, I would start with just the plain PVC pipe in an attempt to target feed. Try to get the fish to associate the pipe with food. Once the puffer was no longer hesitant to come near the pipe. I'd attempt dropping the food down to it. Basic behavioral conditioning. This method works just fine in feeding rays sharing a tank with fish that are more aggressive feeders. If the trophs proved too determined for this simple approach then I would add a plastic bowl with a hole through the middle attached to the end of the pipe as a visual and physical barrier to the trophs. Again the puffer would have to be gradually acclimatized to the presence of the bowl. If the trophs continued to be able to snatch food away from the puffer, my next step would be to replace the bowl with a cube style 5 gallon water container with its bottom cut out and the pipe attached to the threaded opening area. This would absolutely exclude the trophs. I believe that the puffer would quickly come to associate the contraption with food, and actively seek to swim into it in short order.

        If the Mbu/troph combination is not available I am willing to entertain other large puffer/aggressively/quick feeding fish combinations. Hopefully we can capture video proof of the contraption working to disprove the naysayers and post it up here in a DIY thread for the inspiration and benefit of others.
        Last edited by Bedlamer; 04-27-2012, 02:07 AM.
        While I'm not reef ready, I am salt ernate lifestyle curious...


        • #5
          Hmm... I still find all this work redundant.

          After a week of accustoming itself to the tank my MBU comes to the surface to feed, a simple pair of tongs would work to hold shrimp in place to hand feed the puffer instead of working with some large contraption. Also the method of just putting food into a shell or feeding hard shelled foods would provide a simple solution.

          Now as for the association of this contraption with food theory... would the other fish not also make the same association? My trophs have associated the sounds of the auto-feeder to feeding time along with a person coming towards the tank which the puffer has now also made the same association so unless the two were kept separate and trained like so the method would only be a short term solution till the other fish caught on.

          Now to further discredit you, you've made suggestions based on your experienced obtained by viewing a youtube video and applied it to two totally separate species and in your title it specifically states two specific species. Now to ask of another combination of a "puffer/aggressive feeder" would render this whole discussion kinda futile.

          Now being there is a more aggressive feeder in the tank would they not catch on sooner about this feeding contraption?

          If this thread was feeble attempt at a personal attack towards me cause I found your suggestion quite worthless to me then just say so and we can continue this discussion without personal opinions fueled by any resentment.
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #6
            I have very little attachment to my pets so I would probably rather let my MBU starve just to watch it become a blood thirsty hunter and snatch up the other fish in the tank than to take the time and effort to attempt a feeding contraption based on experience obtained through youtube about fish with very little relation to what I have.

            This route would also spark more interest throughout the site if I can catch a vid of it happening vs. A thread of a bulky feeding contraption.
            Last edited by eklikewhoa; 04-27-2012, 03:29 AM.
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #7
              Why would you wish to discredit me? In the majority of posts I make here I make some mention of what I’m basing my opinions on, and if I lack hands on experience I usually mention it in the post. If I’m shown to be wrong I admit it. As you are aware and have pointed out I’ve never kept a puffer or a troph. You have kept probably at least 200 more species than me and have 20 years plus of fish keeping under your belt. I began keeping fish before you were born however, started as a small child and into my mid twenties. Small common easy fish. Then I gave it up for about 2 decades. For the last 20 months or so I have gotten back into the hobby. Again small unremarkable tanks, small easy common fish. In the last 20 months I have joined 4 fish clubs, have participated in various tank tours, lectures and seminars, have gone to several auctions, have gotten to speak to a number of aquarium professionals have read about 30 magazines, about 20 fish related books, have watched about 250 instructional online videos and spend hours most days online reading up on fish related stuff. I realize I have a tremendous amount left to learn. I also realize you are probably one of the most experienced fish hobbyists in the Houston area. I majored in Biology with an Education minor. Never worked in the field although I like to teach things and offer solutions to problems. I’m a member of MENSA Gulf coast chapter I’m fairly bright, I score particularly high in problem solving. I’ve met people on this forum in person who are probably smarter than me, and some of them have advanced degrees. I think I have a history of providing fairly good quality posts to answer people’s questions on here. You of course far exceed me in that too. I haven’t up until till now been called out for posting a comment based on other than firsthand experience. I would point out to you that the vast majority of human knowledge in the modern world is based on other than firsthand knowledge these days. I don’t have to go to Peru to recognize Machu Picchu in a picture. In the original thread you said you were having some difficulties target feeding your new puffer. I offered a solution. You pointed out flaws in the solution. I modified the solution. You had a strong negative reaction to that. You also recently mentioned some elitist snobbery going around on another forum that you didn’t care for. I’d point out that your objection to me making a suggestion based on other than firsthand experience—presents itself as elitist snobbery. I also acknowledge that firsthand experience is a tremendous advantage in having an understanding of something. I realize you often have a brusque tone in your posts, and it’s not just directed towards me and that’s just the way you are. So, sorry for irritating you. I did just want to offer you what I thought was reasonable solution to the difficulty you were having feeding your puffer—but as you pointed out it’s not really a big problem. If you Ek or anyone else reading this in the Houston area would like to try using what I’ve suggested above to target feed some fish, please send me a PM I’ll grab some PVC. I would like to see if what I have proposed could work, or is just an utter load of trash.
              While I'm not reef ready, I am salt ernate lifestyle curious...


              • #8
                LoL, I don't take anything on forums to heart, its the internet so my apologies if my post comes off as so.

                I did post that my puffer has had some difficulties feeding but also stated that it was not much of a problem nor concern of mine as I have found a reasonable solution to it. I also mentioned that your suggestion was of no use to me on several accounts and pointed out your flaws of reasoning.

                My mention of discrediting you is based on the particular since you clearly posted about a specific in which was directed to me and stated a specific species in which you have no experience as you stated and also to include that your suggestion is based off of what you saw in a youtube video of completely different species. You replied not only to my thread and of my specific fish but you also started a thread stating the same and also linked the previous thread in which the discussion was held.
                Last edited by eklikewhoa; 04-27-2012, 04:07 AM.
                700g Mini-Monster tank


                • #9
                  Now to go on about the rest of your post content that does not pertain to the topic.

                  You mention your time spent in the hobby in comparison to mine, does that equate to knowledge?
                  There are several examples of how some just keep fish cause they like fish which is totally perfect but there are some that expand on that and go out looking for any additional information and to compare time frame is pretty much moot.

                  I, by all means do not consider myself as any kind of "expert" nor view myself as an "elitist" but I will ask of validation or any kind of supportive background when it comes to advice. I spend a lot of time reading, observing or "testing" any theories I may have and share that, I also try not to quote second hand information unless I, myself have tried it. So to speak of it, I do not settle for hearsay.

                  Now as for the snobby elitist thing. I will call it like I see it, your suggestion was a poor solution when I applied it to my situation as I have observed my fish's feeding habits first hand and stated the flaws, you continued to push your suggestion when I was in no need of it nor asked for it but read your suggestion anyways, after a point it was just banter to me so I replied to it like so. Now to make reference to my comment about "elitist snobs" here is saying that is your view of me which is fine cause everyone is entitled to their opinions but based on the content of the two threads I will say that you are just getting butt hurt cause I didn't agree about an idea you sourced from someones youtube video.

                  I pointed out how your idea was flawed cause its bulky and would be tedious to use, obviously not what I am willing to put up with. Your suggestion was to use a bowl to trap the puffer in and then drop food down a tube for feeding and as stated in reply to that my puffer would require one helluva bowl and despite the stress factor, that would make for a lot of space taken up to store this thing. Then I go on to state that the puffer gets food as I overfeed the tank now but you insist to push your suggestion on me and then start this thread.

                  Originally posted by Bedlamer View Post
                  I’d point out that your objection to me making a suggestion based on other than firsthand experience—presents itself as elitist snobbery.
                  I would call that hearsay and seeing as though there isn't any personal experience to back your suggestion that would be just blank statements or "copy & paste" posting.

                  If rejecting suggestions based on youtube videos to create a larger problem as a solution or to reject your suggestion based on lack of experience or background due to the fact that I neither asked for or requested is considered being an "elitist" then I have no objections. Everyone is entitled to their own definition of "elitist".
                  Last edited by eklikewhoa; 04-27-2012, 04:32 AM.
                  700g Mini-Monster tank


                  • #10
                    I can't believe I read all those words
                    Mentally Challenged

                    My Flickr


                    • #11
                      I can't believe they typed all those words...

                      BTW, ek is is totally L33T


                      • #12
                        It took me a bit to get through all of this and understand the topic. IMO. this is about targeting to feed one sp of fish in a tank that has fish that eat faster. with out naming the fish in this thread. Let me say. its been done. Feeding tubes for fish is nothing new. Breeders use a baster tipe of dropper to feed fry. I made my own and it works great but thats not really what you mean. I have done what you are talking about too. I had a ghostknife in a tank with Juv. angels. ghosts like to hide and hunt at night. so we tryed putting a tube that I could put brineshrimp in so he could eat with out the angels scarfing up everything befor he got to eat. this trick worked for some time but the angels learn that tube has food and started going in. this got the ones that did killed and eatton..
                        .Troys angels 4.jpg.0603111354.jpg You see both Fish learn. so you are back to where you started.
                        How you handle your fish and I handle my fish are some what the same but still not the same. Its that part that makes this fun. We all have our own way...
                        Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                        • #13
                          If the puffer needs a snack he can just bite the face off one of the other fish...

                          Survival of the fittest.
                          Mentally Challenged

                          My Flickr


                          • #14
                            Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...

